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Index to Lafayette photographs 1923
with hyperlink to relevant catalogue form
This symbol after a link indicates that
the form contains a scanned image
click here to load page with scanned images

Abel-Smith, Lady Mary (Elizabeth) (née Carnegie) 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1923-05-23 abe3320a.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1923-05-23 abe3320.html
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html.
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1923-05-25 abe3319.html
Agnew, Quentin 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Antraigues, Mary (née Latta), Countess d' 1923-00-00 lat9022.html
Antraigues, Mary (née Latta), Countess d' 1923-03-18 lat8641a.html
Antraigues, Mary (née Latta), Countess d' 1923-05-30 lat9021.html
Antraigues, Mary (née Latta), Countess d' 1923-05-30 lat9023.html
Baillie, The Hon Arthur Malcolm Augustus 1923-06-04 bai7872.html
Baird, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-22 bai8101.html
Baird, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-22 bai8103.html
Baird, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-22 bai8104.html
Baird, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-23 bai8105.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Lucy (née Ridsdale), Countess 1923-08-07 bly8322.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Lucy (née Ridsdale), Countess 1923-11-29 bal8380a.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Lucy (née Ridsdale), Countess 1923-11-29 bal8380.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Lucy (née Ridsdale), Countess 1923-11-29 bly8381a.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Lucy (née Ridsdale), Countess 1923-11-29 bly8381.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-08-07 bly8322.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-10-10 bal8353.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-10-10 irv8351.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bal8379a.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bal8379.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bal8380a.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bal8380.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bly8381a.html
Baldwin of Bewdley, Rt Hon Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl 1923-11-29 bly8381.html
Barnett, Mrs Leslie, née Ella Renwick 1923-06-13 ren7941.html
Barnett, Mrs Leslie, née Ella Renwick 1923-06-13 ren7942.html
Barnett, Mrs Leslie, née Ella Renwick 1923-06-13 ren7943.html
Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt 1923-06-05 ber7901.html
Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt 1923-06-05 ber7902.html
Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt 1923-06-05 ber7903a.html
Berney, Thomas Reedham, 10th Bt 1923-06-05 ber7903.html
Blythswood, Archibald Campbell 4th Baron 1923-11-29 bly8381a.html

Sitters in this image:

Lascelles, HRH Princess (Victoria Alexandra Alice) Mary, Viscountess, later Princess Royal, Countess of Harewood bly8381a.html

Blythswood, Evelyn, Lady, née Fletcher bly8381a.html

Lascelles, Henry George Charles Lascelles, Viscount, later 6th Earl of Harewood bly8381a.html

Novar, Helen Hermione, Viscountess, née Blackwood bly8381a.html

Blythswood, Archibald Campbell, 4th Baron bly8381a.html

Stair, John James Dalrymple, 12th Earl of bly8381a.html

Lamington, Charles Wallace Alexander Napier Cochrane-Baillie, 2nd Baron bly8381a.html

Novar, Ronald Craufurd Munro-Ferguson, 1st & last Viscount bly8381a.html

Shaw-Stewar, Sir (Michael) Hugh bly8381a.html

Carmichael-Anstruthe, Sir (Windham) Frederick bly8381a.html

Campbell, Hon. Olive, later Hon. Mrs Laurence Paul Methuen-Campbell bly8381a.html

Herbert, Lady Hermione Herbert bly8381a.html

Kenyon-Slaney, Hon. Miss bly8381a.html

Methuen, Hon. Lawrence Paul bly8381a.html

Blythswood, Archibald Campbell 4th Baron 1923-11-29 bly8381.html
Blythswood, Evelyn Baroness née Fletcher 1923-08-07 bly8322.html
Boot & Shoe Benevolent Society [needs identification] 1923-10-11 boo9106.html [no form yet]
Brown, Mrs H [needs identification] 1923-07-27 bro8016.html
Brown, Mrs H [needs identification] 1923-07-27 bro8017.html [no form yet]
Bunge, Miss Jovita 1923-06-12 bun8256.html
Bury, Mairi Elizabeth (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Viscountess 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Bury, Mairi Elizabeth (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Viscountess 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Bury, Mairi Elizabeth (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Viscountess 1923-11-22 lon3347.htm l[no form yet]
Butler, Miss Gabrielle 1923-06-14 but7976.html
Butler, Miss Gabrielle 1923-06-14 but7977.html
Butler, Miss Gabrielle 1923-06-14 but7978.html
Butler, Mr Hugh Myddleton 1923-06-14 but7976.html
Butler, Mr Hugh Myddleton 1923-06-14 but7977.html
Butler, Mr Hugh Myddleton 1923-06-14 but7978.html
Butler, Mrs Hugh Myddleton, née Annette Scofield 1923-06-14 but7976.html
Butler, Mrs Hugh Myddleton, née Annette Scofield 1923-06-14 but7977.html
Butler, Mrs Hugh Myddleton, née Annette Scofield 1923-06-14 but7978.html
Caldecote, Robin Andrew Inskip, 2nd Viscount 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Caldecote, Robin Andrew Inskip, 2nd Viscount 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Castel Viscardo, Victoria (Margaret) (née Cavendish-Bentinck), Principessa di 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Cavendish-Bentinck, Alexandra, Lady 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Chaplin, Brigadier-General James Graham 1923-06-22 cha7981.html
Chaplin, Brigadier-General James Graham 1923-06-22 cha7982.html
Chaplin, Brigadier-General James Graham 1923-06-22 cha7983.html
Chaplin, Brigadier-General James Graham 1923-06-22 cha7984.html
Chapple, Mrs Harold, née Irene Briscoe Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7936.html
Chapple, Mrs Harold, née Irene Briscoe Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7937.html
Chapple, Mrs Harold, née Irene Briscoe Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7938.html
Charles, Mr [interior] 1923-05-02 cha9001.html [no form yet]
Clarks College - Group of Ladies & Girls 1923-05-18 cla9011.html [no form yet]
Clarks College - Group of Men & Boys 1923-05-18 cla9006.html [no form yet]
Craigavon, Cecil Mary Nowell Dering (née Craig), Viscountess 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Craigavon, James Craig Bt, 1st Viscount 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Craigavon, James Craig Bt, 1st Viscount 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Craigavon, James Craig, 2nd Viscount 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
D'Arcy, Most Reverend Charles Frederick 1923-02-27 dar3292a.html
D'Arcy, Most Reverend Charles Frederick 1923-02-27 dar3292.html
Daniels, Mrs J [needs identification] 1923-06-27 dan9056.html [no form yet]
Davies, Miss Grisel Magdalen Agnes 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Donoughmore, Dorothy (Jean) (née Hotham), Countess of 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Elizabeth, (Angela Marguerite) (née Bowes-Lyon), Queen 1923-03-16 ebl8275.html
Fender, Mrs Robin, née Myrtle Campbell 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Forbes-Leith, Colonel Charles Rosedew, 1st Bt, né Burn 1923-04-10 bur7751.html
Forbes-Leith, Colonel Charles Rosedew, 1st Bt, né Burn 1923-04-10 bur7752.html
Forbes, Charles William 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Galloway, Randolph Algernon Ronald Stewart, 12th Earl of 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Glamis Castle 1923-03-16 str8273.html
Glenconner, Lady [sic] - Glen House, Innerleithen, Peebles [check] 1923-12-15 gle8388.html
Glenconner, Lady [sic] 1923-12-15 gle8386.html
Gore-Langton, Lady Joan (née Hope) 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Gossard, Co [needs identification] 1923-03-08 gos8267.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8061a.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8061.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8062a.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8063a.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8063b.html [no form yet]
Greenwood, Mrs [needs identification] 1923-11-21 gre8063.html
Guest, Catherine Geraldine (née Hotham), Lady 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Guthrie, Colonel Ivan Douglas 1923-11-07 gut9118.html
Hamilton, Mrs John, née Hon Lilias Maclay 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Hansen, Jane (née Welsh), Lady 1923-06-13 han9046.html
Harries, Mrs Gerard, née Butler 1923-06-14 but7976.html
Harries, Mrs Gerard, née Butler 1923-06-14 but7977.html
Harries, Mrs Gerard, née Butler 1923-06-14 but7978.html
Henderson, Commander Oscar, RN 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Hitchcock, Miss K B [needs identification] 1923-07-30 hit8486.html
Hitchcock, Miss K B [needs identification] 1923-07-30 hit8487.html
Hitchcock, Miss [needs identification] 1923-07-30 hit8026a.html
Hitchcock, Miss [needs identification] 1923-07-30 hit8028.html

Hitchcock, Miss [needs identification] 1923-07-30 hit8029.html

Hutchinson, Mrs William 1923-06-14 hut7956.html
Hylton, Jack (né Hilton) 1923-07-23 hil9066.html
Hylton, Jack (né Hilton) 1923-07-23 hil9067.html
Imperial War Conference [needs identification] 1923-00-00 imp8041.html [no form yet]
Inskip, Janet (née Maclay), Lady 1923-05-18 mac8288.html
Irvine, Sir James Colquhoun 1923-10-10 irv8351.html
Jauncy, Mrs John Henry, née Muriel Charlie Dundas of Dundas 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Keswick, Miss Kathleen 1923-05-30 kes9026.html
Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard 1923-10-10 irv8351.html
Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard 1923-10-10 kip8352.html
Kirke, Claud Cecil Augustus 1923-11-12 kir8081.html
Kirke, Claud Cecil Augustus 1923-11-12 kir8082.html
Kirke, Claud Cecil Augustus 1923-11-12 kir8083.html

Knowes, Mrs George 08-06-1922 kno7222.html

Landale, Mrs David, née Louise (Mary Dorothy Charlotte) Forbes 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Lane, Charlotte Jane (née Briscoe), Lady Arbuthnor 1923-06-13 lan7936.html
Lane, Charlotte Jane (née Briscoe), Lady Arbuthnor 1923-06-13 lan7937.html
Lane, Charlotte Jane (née Briscoe), Lady Arbuthnor 1923-06-13 lan7938.html
Lane, (William) Arbuthnot, 1st Bt 1923-06-13 lan7936.html
Lane, (William) Arbuthnot, 1st Bt 1923-06-13 lan7937.html
Lane, (William) Arbuthnot, 1st Bt 1923-06-13 lan7938.html
Latta, Ada May (née Short), Lady 1923-00-00 lat9019.html
Latta, Ada May (née Short), Lady 1923-05-30 lat9016.html
Latta, Ada May (née Short), Lady 1923-05-30 lat9017.html
Latta, Ada May (née Short), Lady 1923-05-30 lat9018.html
Littledale, W A [needs identification] 1923-10-31 lit8057.html
Lockhart, Lady 1923-06-20 loc9051.html
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347.html [no form yet]
Londonderry, Edith (née Chaplin), Marchioness of 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Londonderry, Edith (née Chaplin), Marchioness of 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Londonderry, Edith (née Chaplin), Marchioness of 1923-11-22 lon3347.html [no form yet]
Londonderry, Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Londonderry, Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Londonderry, Edward Charles Stewart Robert Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 8th Marquess of 1923-11-22 lon3347.html [no form yet]
Loveband, Guy 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Loveband, Mrs Guy, née ? 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Low, Mrs H [needs identification] 1923-07-27 low8021.html
M'Clintock, Colonel J M 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Macnab, Mrs G H, née Cristal (Guina Lucy) Jervis 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Mansfield, Dorothea (Helena) (née Carnegie), Countess of 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar00408a.html [no form yet]
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar101944.html [no form yet]
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9031a.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9032a.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9032.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9033a.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9034b.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9034.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9035a.html
Mary, Queen 1923-05-23 mar9035.html
Moore, Miss Sheila [needs identification] 1923-06-29 moo7991.html
Morris, Mr [needs identification] 1923-11-05 mor8360.html [no form yet]
Mount Temple, Muriel Emily (née Spencer), Lady 1923-06-06 ash7906.html
Mount Temple, Muriel Emily (née Spencer), Lady 1923-06-06 ash7909.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-16 mun8031.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-16 mun8032.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-16 mun8033.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-16 mun8035.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-17 mun8031a.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-17 mun8031b.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-17 mun8032a.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-17 mun8033a.html
Munder, Miss [needs identification] 1923-08-17 mun8035a.html
Mutch, Mrs Nathan, née Eileen Caroline Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7936.html
Mutch, Mrs Nathan, née Eileen Caroline Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7937.html
Mutch, Mrs Nathan, née Eileen Caroline Arbuthnot Lane 1923-06-13 lan7938.html
Necklace 1923-04-24 may8991.html [no form yet]
North, Mrs, née Mary Wilkinson 1923-05-18 mac8288.htm [no form yet]l
O'Connor, Miss J [needs identification] 1923-06-20 oco8011.html
O'Connor, Miss J [needs identification] 1923-06-20 oco8012.html [no form yet]
Orr-Ewing, Lieutenant David, RN 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Orton, Captain John Overton Cone 1923-06-05 ort7897.html
Pakenham-Walsh, Mrs Harold Harmer, née Carol Constance Douglas 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Palmer, Miss Audrey 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Parker, Mrs 1923-06-14 par7952.html
Parker, Mrs 1923-06-14 par7953.html
Parkes, Mrs Herbert 1923-09-24 [no form yet]
Pickering, Captain Russell [dinner] 1923-11-21 pic9126.html [no form yet]
Pirrie, Margaret Montgomery (née Carlisle), Viscountess 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Pirrie, Margaret Montgomery (née Carlisle), Viscountess 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Pirrie, William James, 1st Viscount 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Pirrie, William James, 1st Viscount 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Prezlik, Miss [needs identification] 1923-11-30 pre9146.html
Régine Flory (Marie Louise Artaz1923-09-24 reg9091a.html
Régine Flory (Marie Louise Artaz 1923-09-24 reg9092a.html
Régine Flory (Marie Louise Artaz 1923-09-24 reg9093a.html
Régine Flory (Marie Louise Artaz 1923-09-24 reg9093.html
Régine Flory (Marie Louise Artaz 1923-09-24 reg9094.html
Renwick, Federica Louisa (née Laing), Lady 1923-06-13 ren7941a.html
Renwick, Federica Louisa (née Laing), Lady 1923-06-13 ren7942a.html
Richardson, Major Alistair 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Richardson, Mrs Alistair, née Marion Edith Georgina Forbes 1923-04-10 for8282a.html
Richardson, Mrs Alistair, née Marion Edith Georgina Forbes 1923-04-10 for8282.html
Richardson, Mrs Alistair, née Marion Edith Georgina Forbes 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Rigden, Misses [needs identification] 1923-12-03 rig8106.html [no form yet]
Rigden, Misses [needs identification] 1923-12-13 rig8107.html
Satge, M V de 1923-01-18 des7911.html
Satge, M V de 1923-01-18 des8976.html
Satge, M V de 1923-01-18 des8977.html
Satge, M V de 1923-01-18 des8978.html
Savill, Mrs Robin 1923-06-14 sav7946.html
Schoonmaker, Leon and US fencing team 1923-07-19 sch7996d.html
Seymour Mead, T and Co (Memorial Plaque) to employees who fell in the Great War 1923-00-00 sey5727.html [no form yet]
Shaw, Captain Walter William 1923-06-14 sha7971.html
Shaw, Miss Gwendolen 1923-06-14 sha7967.html [no form yet]
Shaw, Miss Gwendolen 1923-06-14 sha7968.html
Shaw, Mrs Walter William, née Mary Louise Webb Wakeman 1923-06-14 sha7963.html
Shell Mex Co (group of staff) 1923-01-02 she3282a.html [no form yet]
Shell Mex Co (group of staff) 1923-01-02 she3282c.html [no form yet]
Shell Mex Co (group of staff) 1923-01-02 she3282.html [no form yet]
Shipman, Miss Molly 1923-05-18 mac8288.html [no form yet]
Shipman, Miss Molly 1923-05-18 mac8288.html[no form yet]
Slesinger, Mrs Edward G, née Gladys Eleanor Trench 1923-09-26 sle8054.html
Southby, Anne Adeline (née Hope), Lady 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Southesk, Charles Alexander Carnegie, 11th Earl of 1923-11-12 car9032.html
Southesk, Charles Alexander Carnegie, 11th Earl of 1923-11-12 car9034.html
Southesk, Charles Alexander Carnegie, 11th Earl of 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9031.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9032.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9033.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9034.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9035a.html
Southesk, Princess Maud, Countess of 1923-11-12 car9035.html
Swinderen, Jonkheer Reneke de Marees van 1923-06-09 swi9081.html
Tallents, Sir Stephen (George) 1923-02-23 cra3290a.html
Troughton, L H W [needs identification[ 1923-06-29 tro9061.html
Troughton, L H W [needs identification] 1923-06-29 tro9062.html
Turner, Joe [needs identification] 1923-01-09 tur7676.html [no form yet]
Turner, Rt Hon Sir William (George) 1923-02-17 tur3289a.html
Turner, Rt Hon Sir William (George) 1923-02-17 tur3289.html
Tylden, Mrs James, née Margaret (Lilian May) Forbes 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Unidentified female sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Unidentified female sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Unidentified female sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347.html
Unidentified male sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Unidentified male sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Unidentified male sitter 1923-11-22 lon3347.html
Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Margaret (Mrs Hugh Falkus) 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Margaret (Mrs Hugh Falkus) 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Margaret (Mrs Hugh Falkus) 1923-11-22 lon3347.html
Waggett, Lieutenant Leslie 1923-04-10 for8283.html
Walsh, Helen Magiona (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Lady 1923-11-22 lon3347a.html
Walsh, Helen Magiona (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Lady 1923-11-22 lon3347c.html
Walsh, Helen Magiona (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart), Lady 1923-11-22 lon3347.html
Waring, (Susan Elizabeth) Clementine (née Hay), Lady 1923-06-05 war7891.html
Waring, (Susan Elizabeth) Clementine (née Hay), Lady 1923-06-05 war7892.html
Weir, Mary 1923-05-18 mac8288.html
Williams, Miss Greswalde [needs identification] 1923-12-22 wil8118.html [no form yet]
Williams, Miss Greswalde [needs identification] 1923-12-22 wil8119.html
Williams, Miss Greswalde [needs identification] 1923-12-22 wil8120.html [no form yet]
Williams, Miss Greswalde [needs identification] 1923-12-23 wil8117.html [no form yet]
Wilson, Mrs (Miss Donovan) [needs identification] 1923-04-20 wil8006.html [no form yet]
Wilson, Mrs (Miss Donovan) [needs identification] 1923-04-20 wil8007.html [no form yet]
Wilson, Mrs (Miss Donovan) [needs identification] 1923-04-20 wil8008.html [no form yet]
Wright, Mrs Desmond Arthur, née Winifred Emily Newton 1923-00-00 new7913.html
Wynne Evans, Miss [needs identification] 1923-09-04 wyn8036.html
Wynne Evans, Miss [needs identification] 1923-09-04 wyn8037.html
Wynne Evans, Miss [needs identification] 1923-09-04 wyn8038.html
Wynne Evans, Miss [needs identification] 1923-09-04 wyn8039.html
Wynne Evans, Miss [needs identification] 1923-09-04 wyn8040.html
Stair, Violet Evelyn, Countess of (d. 1968), née Harford bly8381a.html
Shaw-Stewart, Lady Alice (Emma), née Thynne bly8381a.html

This site has been compiled by Russell Harris

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at