H.M., ESQ.
Neg. No: (GP) 7977 Neg. Size: 12"x10" Neg. Date: 14-06-1923
Sitters: (L-R)
Biog: (Mr. H.M. Butler) Ironmaster and engineer; M.P. (C) North Leeds (1922-23); (Mrs. H.M. Butler) Daughter of Edward Scofield, of Sandringham; m. (1881) Hugh Myddleton Butler. Date: 14 June 1923. Occasion: The Court, 14 June 1923: Mrs. H.M. Butler presented by the Acting Mistress of the Robes, the Duchess of Devonshire, and herself presented her daughters - Miss Gabrielle Butler and Mrs. Gerard Harries. Location: The Lafayette Studio, 160 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL. Costume: Court dress: (Mrs. H.M. Butler) "A draped gown of grey and gold embroidered marocain with a train of mist-blue beauté, veiled in blue chiffon and bordered with gold lace"; (Miss G. Butler) "A gown of yellow crepe romain embroidered in gold and diamanté. A train of gold tissue, lined with flame-coloured chiffon and trimmed with gold lace"; (Mrs. G. Harries) "A gown of white satin beauté draped with white chiffon and embroidered in crystal and diamanté. A train of anemone pink georgette, finished with bands of crystal beads" (see: The Times, 16 June 1923, p 8d-e). velvet court dress, new style x 1. Costume Supplier: (Ladies' dresses) Machinka, Dover Street, London, W. Jewellery: - Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop; armchair. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 3. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: (Mr. H.M. Butler) Who's Who. Occasion: The Times, 16 June 1923, p 8a. Costume: (Ladies' dresses) The Times, 16 June 1923, p 8d-e; (Male court dress, new style) Herbert A.P. Trendell (ed.), Dress and Insignia Worn at His Majesty's Court, London, 1921. Costume Supplier: (Ladies' dresses) The Times, 16 June 1923, p 8d-e. Jewellery: - Reproduced: -