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Schoonmaker, Mr
Neg. No: 7996d
Neg. Size: 15"x12"
Neg. Date: 1923

copyright V&A

Sitter: Mr Schoonmaker and US fencing team:

Major Francis W Honeycutt
F Barnard O'Connor
Leon Schoonmaker (New York Fencers's Club) team manager
Guer Bartol
Henry Brenckinridge
JB Van Buskirk
Leiutenant George C Calnan
Warrant/officer George W Dimond
Arthur S Lyon
Channay R McPherson
Major Harold F Faynor
William H Russell

copyright V&A

"Of these, Honeycutt, Breckinridge, Lyon, Dimond, Schoonmaker, Raynor and Russell were in the 1920 Olympic team..."

Photographer: Lafayette Ltd., 160 New Bond Street, London.

Evidence of photographer at work: -

No of poses: 1.

Copyright: V&A

All images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information on using or requesting copies of any images
please contact the V&A Picture Library: including the URL of the relevant page

Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.


Occasion: The Times, (?) July 1923