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Index to undated Lafayette photographs
with hyperlink to relevant catalogue form
This symbol after a link indicates that the form contains a scanned image

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Adams, Ernest [needs identification] ada8140a.html [no form yet]
Adams, Ernest [needs identification] ada8140.html [no form yet]
Air Force Recruiting Officers air9415.html
Aldenham, Lord [ck] ald3145.html [no form yet]
Aldenham, Lord [ck] ald4695.html [no form yet]
Aldenham, Lord [ck] ald4696.html
Antarctic Expedition, Signatures of the Officers in the ant2780.html [no form yet]
Anstruther Hope, Colonel Lewis pal4650.htm
Anstruther Hope, Mrs pal4650.htm
Arnott [woman] [needs identification] arn12745b.html [no form yet]
Baden Powell, Warington bad4407a.html
Baker [baby] bak8941.html [no form yet]
Baldocks, Colonel Edward Holmes 0000-11-06 bal8579a.html
Banks [woman] ban8347.html [no form yet]
Battalion on parade, 2nd Duke Wellington's W. Riding Regiment bat5567.html
Battenberg, Princess Henry of bat9142.html
Bigwood [man] big349613.html
Bismark, Princess Otto von bis00037.html
Bisset [man] bis9026.html
Black [group] bla6231.html
Bower, Sir War Nott bow8541.html
Bowlby [man] bow12276.html
Brixall [man] bri22690.html
Brizzolesi [woman] bri12636.html
Broadbent [needs identification] bro9471.html
Broadbent [needs identification] bro9481.html
Brown [man] bro9024.html
Browne, D bro8015.html
Buchanan, Mrs [needs identification] buc8814.html
Buschini, Madame [needs identification] 0000-09-09 bus8536.html [no form yet]
Butterworth [man] but6027.html
Byles [woman] byl2964b.html
Byrne, Gen. Sir J byr10186.html
Caldwell, G cal8567.html
Chapman cha8593.html
Chapman cha8594.html [no form yet]
Cameron, Hugh [needs identification] 0000-000-00 cam8718.html [no form yet]
Chater [needs identification] cha9496.html
Chelmsford, Frederick John Napier Thesiger, 3rd Baron and 1st Viscount che166116.html
Chelmsford, Frederick John Napier Thesiger, 3rd Baron and 1st Viscount che166117.html
Chester, Miss [needs identification] che9501.html
Choate, Joseph Hodges cho4666.html
Clarke [women] cla8587.html
Collins, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward col9126.html
Colman, Sir J 0000-02-01 col6530.html
Compos, Mr de [woman] dec8436.html
Cory, Sir Clifford cor8160.html
Conyers, Lord con4307.html
Cradock, Colonel cra5055.html
Crum, Lady [a youth] cru105822.html
Davidson [grp] dav1915.html
Derwent, Lord der10566.html
Dhuleep Singh, Daughters of ? dhu2251.html
Dix [etching, man] dix10497.html
Downe, Viscount [needs identification] dow3728.html
Duncan [child] dun8996.html
Duncan, Col dun8901.html
Duncan, Miss dun00032.html
Duveen duv12716.html
Edward VII, King edw00424.html
Edward VII, King edw00425.html
Edward VII, King edw00426.html
Edward VII, King edw00428.html [no form yet]
Edward VII, King edw00429.html [no form yet]
Edward VII, King edw00430.html [no form yet]
Edward VII, King edw00432.html [no form yet]
Edward VII, King edw00432.html [no form yet]
Edward VII, King edw00433.html [no form yet]
Effingham, Henry Alexander Gordon Howard, 4th Earl of ? eff2592.html
England [needs identification] eng6012.html
Erskine, Lt-Col John David Beveridge eng9326.html
English [needs identification] eng9302.html
Erlhove, Major [needs identification] ? erl2921a.html
Farrer [needs identification] far10276.html
Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Henry Julian, né Skeffington Smyth smy4436a.html
Fitzpatrick, Geoffrey Henry Julian, né Skeffington Smyth smy4436.html
Foster [needs identification] fos269108.html
Franciscan Congress fra6119.html
French [sic] fre130121.html
Fripp, Sir Alfred Downing 0000-02-08 fri3326a.html
Gage [needs identification] gag11096.html [no form yet]
Gallagher [man] gal12407.html [no form yet]
Galloway [woman, and others] gal8522.html [no form yet]
Galloway [woman] gal8521.html [no form yet]
George V, King geo00409.html
Gibbs [child] [needs identification] gib112007.html [no form yet]
Gibbs [child] [needs identification] gib112019.html [no form yet]
Gilchrist, Rev A S G gil25084.html
girl [gi00041.html [no form yet]
Glasgow [man] gla5763.html [no form yet]
Glennie [man] gle121921.html [no form yet]
Goodwin [woman] goo8902.html [no form yet]
Good, E [child] goo74877.html
Goulding [man] gou33950.html [no form yet]
Graham, V C gra8148.html
Gray [and others] gra8719.html [no form yet]
Hall [unidentified mason] hal8658.html
Hamilton, Mrs Douglas ham8411.html
Harbottle har6022.html
Harcourt, L har00096.html
Henderson [woman] hen8410.html
Heneage, Admiral Sir Algernon (Charles Fiesché) hen3655.html
Hendry, Mr [needs identification] 0000-08-18 hen3255.html [no form yet]
Hendry, Mr [needs identification] 0000-08-18 hen3256.html [no form yet]
Hitchcock, Miss [needs identification] 0000-07-30 hit8926a.html [no form yet]
HMS Discovery (ship and crew) dis0000.html
Hodge [man] hod8661.html [no form yet]
Horne, Capt hor8341.html
Houldsworth, Sir Henry hou9075.html [no form yet]
Howard family group how2185b.html
Hunt, Miss 0000-07-26 hun72100.html
Hyde hyd5851.html
Illingworth ill6015.html
Impey [man] imp286791.html  
Indian manuscript [photograph of] minm00051.html
Inskip ins1066.html
Jeffer [girl] tel8326.html
Jeffock, L [woman] jef7912.html [no form yet]
Jenkins [military group] [needs identification] jen182521.html
Jenkins [man] [needs identification] jen350456.html
Joel, Mrs Jack Barnato, née Olive Coulson Sopwith 0000-06-10 joe5355.html [no form yet]
Johnson [man] joh117336.html
Kelley-Kenny, General Sir Thomas kel5302.html
Kenyon, Lord ken2604a.html
Kershaw [reverend] ker6234.html
Kingston-on-Thames, Rt Rev Cecil Hook, Bishop of 0000-01-24 kin3916a.html [no form yet]
Kingston-on-Thames, Rt Rev Cecil Hook, Bishop of 0000-01-24 kin3916.html [no form yet]
Kingston-on-Thames, Rt Rev Cecil Hook, Bishop of 0000-01-24 kin3917a.html [no form yet]
Lady Aykroyd, née Emma Louisa Hammond ack8681.html
Lady Mayoress lma9036.html [no form yet]
Lambton [woman] [needs identification] lam9286.html [no form yet]
Lambton [woman] [needs identification] lam9346.html [no form yet]
Lambton, Mrs Johnlam82527.html
Lambton, Mrs John lam9211.html
Lancaster [man] lan124072.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow4999.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5000a.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5000.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5001a.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5001.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5002a.html
Le Strange, Mrs Bernard, née Gwladys Ethel Gwendolen Eugénie Sutherst tow5003a.html
Lewes, Mrs James FitzPatrick, née Constance Edwina Cornwallis West wes5111.html [no form yet]
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of lon00068c.html
Longshore-Potts, Dr [possibly] owe6058.html [no form yet]
Longshore-Potts, Mrs [needs identification] mar6055.html [no form yet]
Lord and Lady Mayoress lor9038a.html [no form yet]
Lord Mayor lor9039.html [no form yet]
Lord Mayoress lor9037.html [no form yet]
Lugard, 1st Baron lug10586.html
Lytton, Miss Lizzie [needs identification] lyt2542a.html
Macclesfield [group of nurses] mac5312.html
Mannix, Archbishop man7966.html
Macleod [sgt] mac6055.html
Marker, Mr [needs identification] mar10001.html
May [etching?] may8548.html [no form yet]
Maynard may8453.html [no form yet]
May, Admiral may4601a.html
McMillan mcm8580.html
McNiell [painting] mcn8345.html [no form yet]
Mills (female sitter) [needs identification] mil9366.html [no form yet]
Moore [man] moo8846.html [no form yet]
Morgan, Miss [needs identification] mor104262a.html [no form yet]
Morgan, Brigadier Westrop mor12461.html
Morris, Sir Daniel mor00070.html
Mother Provincial [nun] mot9145.html [no form yet]
Nabuco de Arujo nab2584b.html
O'Leary [bust] ole316616.html [no form yet]
other ald4696.html
Oxford, Bishop of oxf9466.html
Pallin, Madame pal8591.html [no form yet]
Palmer, Sir Walter pal4650.htm
Palmer, Lady, née Jean Craig pal4650.htm
Pansa, Signora, née Donna Maria Cervi pan2945.html
Parker, Mrs Bertram Wellington 0000-06-11 par7953.html
Pay [plate with portrait signed Augustus John '33] pay166676.html [no form yet]
Peacock [woman] pea5949.html [no form yet]
Postcard pos00027.html
Postcard pos00027a.html
Postcard pos000279html
Postcard pos00029a.html
Penrhyn, Lord pen8511.html
Pretyman, Rt Hon Ernest George 0000-05-29 pre4630.html
Ralston Patrick, Miss [needs identification] ral(00066).html [no form yet]
Rankin, Sir Geo. [needs identification] ran150168.html
Rawson, Mrs [man] raw00090.html [no form yet]
Regan [man] reg8596.html [no form yet]
Ritchie [man] rit8557.html [no form yet]
Ritchie [woman] rit8556.html [no form yet]
Roche [etching, man] roc10504.html [no form yet]
Rose [man] ros8796.html [no form yet]
Ross, Sir Archibald [grp] [needs identification] ros8956.html [no form yet]
Royal, Baby Joan roy8446.html [no form yet]
Russia, Grand Duchess of [possibly Olga?] olg7535.html
Sandys, Captain George John san6602.html
Scott [man] sco249576.html
Scott [woman] sco9331.html
Seddon [man] sed5929.html
Skinner & Sons [man] [needs identification] ski9020.html
Small [man] sma8597.html
Smith, Colonel [needs identification] smi2843.html
Small [man] [needs identification] smi23162.html
Smith, Sir Charles Euan- smi3095.html
Smyth, Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Henry Julian Fitzpatrick smy4436.html
Smyth, Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Henry Julian Fitzpatrick smy4436a.html
Spain, King Alfonso XIII of spa0000.html
Spencer, 6th Earl spe4460.html
Startin, Admiral Sir James sta9971.html
Stonor [women] sto8671.html
Stuart, Sir Rupert ste8586.html
Sturgiss, Lady Rachael stu8111.html
Swaythling, Lady swa8773.html
Sydenham of Combe, Sir George Sydenham, 1st Baron 0000-01-30 cla3683.html
Taylor, Lt Williiam tay9172.html
Telfer, G [child] tel8326.html
Telfer, G [woman] tel8409.html
Thomas [man] [needs identification] tho141421.html
Terry's Nut Milk Chocolate terry.html
Thomas [man] [needs identification] tho180732b.html
Thomas [man] [needs identification] tho180732.html [no form yet]
Thompson, Miss tho0003.html [no form yet]
Thompson, Miss tho00094.html
Thompson, Sir Henry 1st Bt tho4141.html [no form yet]
Thorton [woman] tho8686a.html [no form yet]
Thorton [woman] tho8686.html
Tredagar, Lord tre6574.html
Tredagar, Lord tre6572.html
Turnbull, Mrs tur47863a.html
Turner [photo of painting] tur6123.html
Unidentified female sitter ald4696.html
Unidentified male sitter ald4695.html
Walker, Mrs Harold [needs identification] wal4547.html
Unnamed man unn00038.html
Unnamed girl unn00041.html
Unnamed man unn5763.html
Waring [two women] war12506.html
Warwick, Guyscliffe [need to find photograph and card] war5067.html [no form yet]
Westminster, Duchess of wes5107.html
Westminster, Duchess of wes5109.html
Westminster, Duchess of wes5111.html
Westminster, Duchess of wes5112.html
Whisk, H Esq whi4609.html
Whiting [needs identification] whi6007.html
Whisk, H [needs identification] whi4608.html [no form yet]
Wilson, of Gresham House Estate Co wil8536.html [no form yet]
Wyndham [man] [needs identification] wyn143811.html
Yarborough, Sackville George Pelham, 14th Baron Conyers and 5th Earl of Yarborough con4307.html
Yenkataramicah [female - needs identification] yen8836.html
Yenkataramicah [male - needs identification] yen8837.html
Younger [male - needs identification] you8669.html
Zanzibar, Sultan Ali II bin Hamud, of zan3670a.html
Zanzibar, Sultan Ali II bin Hamud, of zan3670.html
Zanzibar, Sultan Ali II bin Hamud, of zan3671a.html
Zanzibar, Sultan Ali II bin Hamud, of zan3671.html
[Group photo, army dinner with photog & camera in mirror] gr8821.html
[Hunt, Miss] [needs identification] hun72100a.html [no form yet]
[need to find card & photograph] con7966.html [no form yet]

Page compiled by Russell Harris (