MORGAN Neg. No: COPY (GP) LE 12461 Neg. Size: 15"X12" Neg. Date: None
Biog: Served with South Staffordshire Regiment; Temporary Brigadier, 1916; Colonel, 1921; Commanded 157th (Highland) Infantry Brigade T.A, 1926-29; Officer in Command Infantry Record and Pay Office, Warley, 1929-33. Date: - Occasion: - Location: - Descr: FL standing. Costume: Full Dress uniform, Colonel On The Staff. Orders, Decorations & Medals: Badge of a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George [C.M.G. cr. 1919]; Distinguished Service Order with bar [London Gazette, 14 January 1916]; Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 with 3 clasps, 'Wittenbergen', 'Cape Colony', 'Transvaal'; King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902 with 2 clasps, 'South Africa 1901', 'South Africa 1902'; 1914-1915 star; British War Medal 1914-1920; Allied Victory Medal 1914-1919, with oak leaf. Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop.
Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. [Copy from Neg. No. 12318]. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
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Biog: Who's Who; The Army List, 1899-1933. Occasion: - Costume: Dress Regulations for the Army, London, 1911. Orders, Decorations & Medals: (Order of St. Michael and St. George) Burke's Peerage; (D.S.O.) Sir O'Moore Creagh and E.M. Humphris, The Distinguished Service Order 1886-1923, (facsimile edition), London, 1978. (Others) E.C. Joslin, A.R. Litherland, B.T. Simpkin, British Battles and Medals, London, 1988. Reproduced: -