Sitters: (Left to right):
(1) Mrs Lewis Anstruther Hope, née Lucy Palmer; daughter of George Palmer MP, a founder of Huntly and Palmers; m. (1887) Col. Lewis Anstruther Palmer. (Court Dress). (2) Sir Walter Palmer, 1st Bart (1858-1910); 3rd son of George Palmer MP; Deputy Lieutenant for Berkshire; Conservative MP for Salisbury 1900-1906; Director of Huntly and Palmers, Ltd. (Deputy Lieutenant of Berkshire's Uniform). (3) Lady Palmer, née Jean Craig (d. 1909); dau of William Young Craig MP; m. (1882) Sir Walter Palmer, 1st Bart. (Court Dress). (4) Col. Lewis Anstruther Hope (1855-1929); ADC to King Edward VII. (Uniform of an ADC to the King). Date: CK negative sequence. Occasion: - Location: The Lafayette Studio, 179, New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL. Costume: Court Dress. Costume Supplier: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: (Colonel Hope) Badge of a Companion of the Bath [C.B. cr. 1898] (Military Division); Coronation Medal 1902; South Africa War Medal 1877-1879 with clasp; Egypt Medal 1882-1889 with clasp; Queen's Sudan Medal 1896-1897; Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 with three clasps; Khedive's Egyptian Star 1882-1891; Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896-1908 with clasp 'Khartoum'. Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information on
using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Burke's Peerage; Who's Who. Occasion: - Costume: - Costume Supplier: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: (Order of the Bath) Burke's Peerage; (Coronation Medal) Howard N. Cole, Coronation and Royal Commemorative Medals 1887-1977, London, 1977; (Others) E.C. Joslin, A.R. Litherland & B.T. Simpkin, British Battles & Medals, London, 1988. Reproduced: - |