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Index to Lafayette photographs 1928
with hyperlink to relevant catalogue form
This symbol after a link indicates that the form contains a scanned image
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Barford, Edward James Barford 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Barford, Miss Mary 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Bishop, Miss Elaine 1928-06-13 bis11133.html
Bishop, Miss Elaine 1928-06-13 bis11134.html
Bishop, Miss Elaine 1928-06-13 bis11139.html
Black (large group) [needs identification] [need to find plate] 1928-07-23 bla6231.html [no form yet]
Boyce, Mr John 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Brotherton, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-04 bro137321.html
Brotherton, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-04 bro137323.html
Brotherton, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-04 bro137325.html
Buckmaster, Mrs Herbert, née Hon Grace Lowrey Stanley 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Bywater, Miss Patricia 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Bywater, Miss Patricia 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Came, Miss Valerie Raymond 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Came, Miss Valerie Raymond 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Cave, Sir Basil (Shillito) 1928-08-20 cav136570.html
Chapple, Miss [needs identification] 1928-10-04 cha137331.html
Child [needs identification] 1928-09-20 mil75259a.html [no form yet]
Clarke [child] 1928-03-06 cla8851.html
Compton, Mrs Alwyne Arthur, née Frances Strickland Lovell Oldham 1928-10-04 rod137311.html [no form yet]
Compton, Mrs Alwyne Arthur, née Frances Strickland Lovell Oldham 1928-10-04 rod137312.html [no form yet]
Compton, Mrs Alwyne Arthur, née Frances Strickland Lovell Oldham 1928-10-04 rod137313.html [no form yet]
Compton, Mrs Alwyne Arthur, née Frances Strickland Lovell Oldham 1928-10-04 rod137314.html
Compton, Mrs Alwyne Arthur, née Frances Strickland Lovell Oldham 1928-10-04 rod137315.html
Connell, Mrs William J R, née Eileen Isobel Raymond Came 1928-10-03 con137301a.html
Connell, Mrs William J R, née Eileen Isobel Raymond Came 1928-10-03 con137303.html [no form yet]
Connell, Mrs William J R, née Eileen Isobel Raymond Came 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Connell, William J R 1928-10-03 con137301a.html
Connell, William J R 1928-10-03 con137303.html [no form yet]
Connell, William J R 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Cooke, Margery 1928-06-13 coo11146.html
Cooke, Margery 1928-06-15 coo11147.html
Cooke, Margery 1928-06-15 coo11149.html
Cooke, Margery 1928-06-15 coo11150.html
Cooke, Mrs Douglas 1928-06-13 coo11146.html
Cooke, Mrs Douglas 1928-06-15 coo11147.html
Cooke, Mrs Douglas 1928-06-15 coo11149.html
Cooke, Mrs Douglas 1928-06-15 coo11150.html
Costa Pelle, Admiral Enrique 1928-09-14 cos11417.html
Costa Pelle, Mrs Enrique, née Clara Couve 1928-07-18 cos11277.html
Costa Pelle, Mrs Enrique, née Clara Couve 1928-07-18 cos11278.html
Costa Pelle, Mrs Enrique, née Clara Couve 1928-07-18 cos11279.html
Costa Pelle, Mrs Enrique, née Clara Couve 1928-07-18 cos11280.html
D'Oyly, John Richard 1928-10-02 d'o137281.html
D'Oyly, Mrs John Richard, née Vera Aimee Cooper 1928-10-02 doy137281.html
D'Oyly, Mrs John Richard, née Vera Aimee Cooper 1928-10-02 doy137282.html
D'Oyly, Mrs John Richard, née Vera Aimee Cooper 1928-10-02 doy137283.html
Dalrymple, Lady 1928-06-02 dal11016.html
Dalrymple, Lady 1928-06-02 dal11017.html [no form yet]
Dalrymple, Lady 1928-06-02 dal11018.html [no form yet]
Eden, Timothy (Calvert) Eden, 8th Bt 1928-10-02 ede137261.html
Eden, Timothy (Calvert) Eden, 8th Bt 1928-10-02 ede137262.html
Eden, Timothy (Calvert) Eden, 8th Bt 1928-10-02 ede137263.html
Eden, Timothy (Calvert) Eden, 8th Bt 1928-10-02 ede137264.html
Fielding Hall, Miss [needs identification] 1928-05-25 fie10976.html
Fielding Hall, Miss [needs identification] 1928-05-25 fie10978.html
Fielding Hall, Miss [needs identification] 1928-05-25 fie10980.html
Fraser, J Holden 1928-06-19 fra3516.html
Fraser, J Holden 1928-06-19 fra3517.html
Fraser, Mrs J Holden, née Eileen May Morrow 1928-06-19 fra3516.html
Fraser, Mrs J Holden, née Eileen May Morrow 1928-06-19 fra3517.html
Green, Mrs F D [needs identification] 1928-08-17 gre11341.html
Green, Mrs F D [needs identification] 1928-08-17 gre11343.html
Green, Mrs F D [needs identification] 1928-08-17 gre11344.html
Green, Mrs F D [needs identification] 1928-08-17 gre11345.html
Griffith-Jones, Michael 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Griffith-Jones, Michael 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Hutchison, Colonel Henry Oliphant 1928-10-09 hut137416.html
Imperiali, Marchesa, née Maria Giovanna dei Principi Colonna 1928-10-03 imp137292a.html
Jefress, Arthur 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Jefress, Arthur 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Kelland, Miss June 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Kelland, Miss June 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Kibblewhite, Mrs Peter Curtis, née Ruth Lydia Frecheville 1928-10-03 kib437346a.html
Kibblewhite, Mrs Peter Curtis, née Ruth Lydia Frecheville 1928-10-03 kib437347.html
Moore, Miss Gwynne 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Moore, Miss Gwynne 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Mynshawy, MH 1928-11-03 myn137293.html
Mynshawy, MH 1928-11-03 myn137291.html [no form yet]
Neill, Miss Edith Clark 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Neill, Miss Edith Clark 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Nevitt, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-06-08 nev11036.html
Nevitt, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-06-08 nev11037.html
Nevitt, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-06-08 nev11039.html
Nevitt, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-06-08 nev11040.html
Nunes, H [needs identification] 1928-10-02 nun137251a.html
Nunes, H [needs identification] 1928-10-02 nun137251.html [no form yet]
Nunes, H [needs identification] 1928-10-02 nun137252.html [no form yet]
Nunes, H [needs identification] 1928-10-02 nun137253.html [no form yet]
Perine, Miss Anne Washington 1928-06-12 per10412.html
Perine, Miss Anne Washington 1928-06-12 per10413.html
Perine, Miss Anne Washington 1928-06-12 per10414.html
Perine, Miss Anne Washington 1928-06-12 per10415.html
Philippson, Miss [needs identification] 1928-10-04 phi137336.html [no form yet]
Philippson, Miss [needs identification] 1928-10-04 phi137336.html [no form yet]
Philippson, Miss [needs identification] 1928-10-04 phi137339.html
Philipsbourne, Miss Muriel 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Philipsbourne, Miss Muriel 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Pine, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-05 pin137341a.html
Pine, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-05 pin137341.html
Pine, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-05 pin137342.html
Pine, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-05 pin137343.html
Pine, Mrs [needs identification] 1928-10-05 pin137344.html
Radonicich, Elis 1928-06-01 rad11001.html
Radonicich, Elis 1928-06-01 rad11003.html
Radonicich, Elis 1928-06-01 rad11004.html
Sanday, Miss Betty 1928-10-03 con137303.html
Sanday, Miss Betty 1928-10-03 con137304.html
Scrivener, Mrs John, née Patricia Unity Rank 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Sykes, Brigadier-General Sir Percy (Molesworth) 1928-10-02 syk137257.html
Sykes, Brigadier-General Sir Percy (Molesworth) 1928-10-02 syk137258.html
Thomas, Mrs Tudor 1928-02-10 tho137280.html
Thompson, Sir Henry 1st Bt 1928-10-05 tho4157.html
Tollit, Mrs Christopher C 1928-06-13 tol11138.html
Tollit, Mrs Christopher C 1928-06-13 tol11139.html
Tudor, Major Owen Frederick Morton 1928-06-29 tud11191.html
Tudor, Major Owen Frederick Morton 1928-06-29 tud11192.html
Tudor, Major Owen Frederick Morton 1928-06-29 tud11193.html
Tudor, Major Owen Frederick Morton 1928-06-29 tud11194.html
Tudor, Major Owen Frederick Morton 1928-06-29 tud11195.html
Unidentified sitter 1928-10-05 tho4157.html
Unidentified sitter 1928-10-17 ind11463.html
Upton, Mrs Harry Vere, née C I Alizon Scott 1928-11-28 sco11666.html
Vincent, Helen Millicent (née Robertson), Lady 1928-10-30 sta11530.html
Webster, Mrs Russell 1928-06-12 web10401.html
Webster, Mrs Russell 1928-06-12 web10402.html
Webster, Mrs Russell 1928-06-12 web10404.html [no form yet]
Webster, Mrs Russell 1928-06-12 web10405.html [no form yet]
Williams, Mrs Hue 1928-10-02 wil137266.html
Willys, Mrs John North 1928-06-08 wil10376.html [no form yet]
Willys, Mrs John North 1928-06-08 wil10378.html [no form yet]
Wright, Dulcie 1928-06-12 wri11071.html
Wright, Dulcie 1928-06-12 wri11072.html [no form yet]
Wright, Dulcie 1928-06-12 wri11074.html [no form yet]
Wright, Dulcie 1928-06-12 wri11075.html

This site has been compiled by Russell Harris

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at