FAMILY GRP Subject: The marriage of J. Holden Fraser to Miss Eileen May Morrow, wedding [family] group with best men and bridesmaids. [see below for enlarged details of image]
Sitters include: (Bride-groom) J. Holden Fraser ( ), son of William Fraser J.P., of Edinburgh and of Lisburn. (Bride) Mrs. J. Holden Fraser, née Eileen May Morrow ( ), only daughter of Charles Morrow, of Walton, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast. (Parents) Mr. & Mrs. William Fraser, of Edinburgh and of Lisburn. (Parents-in-law) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Morrow, of Walton, Fortwilliam Park, Belfast. Date: 19 June 1928. Occasion: The marriage, 19 June 1928, at Townsend Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Location: - Descr: FL. Costume: - Furniture & Props: - Evidence of photographer at work: - No of related negatives: 2. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: - Occasion: The Belfast Weekly News, 5 July 1928, p 13f. Costume: - Reproduced: - |