Biog: Venezuelan consul in Glasgow from 19 December 1911-1947. (In caption to the Presentation portrait of Miss May Radonicich (see: Eve, 6 June 1928, p 588) a position of her father is stated as "the Consul of Venezuela".) London Gazette, 3 February 1903, p 690, lists the naturalisation of Elis Radonicich (Austria-Hungary) of 23 Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow. Date: 1 June 1928. Occasion: The Levée, General Company, 1 June 1928: presented by His Ex. the Venezuelan Minister. Location: The Lafayette Studio, 160 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL standing. Costume: Full Dress, Venezuelan Diplomatic Service. Orders, Decorations & Medals: (L-R) British War Medal 1914-20, miniature version; Mercantile Marine War Medal 1914-18, miniature version; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19, miniature version. Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: retouched clamp visible behind the sitter. No of poses: 3. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: 1947 edition of the Foreign Office List and Consular Year Book Occasion: The Times, 2 June 1928, p 17f. Costume: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: A.R. Litherland & B.T. Simpkin, Spinks Standard Catalogue of British and Associated Orders, Decorations & Medals, London, 1990. Reproduced: -