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Index to Lafayette photographs of 1927 with hyperlink to relevant catalogue form
This symbol after a link indicates that the form contains a scanned image
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Ainger, Captain Edward 1927-02-24 ain126551.html
Ainger, Captain Edward 1927-02-24 ain126555.html
Alexander, Professor [needs identification] 1927-06-14 ale23138a.html [no form yet]
Alexander, Professor [needs identification] 1927-06-14 ale23138.html
Amlot, W J [needs identification] 1927-02-24 aml126596.html
Amlot, W J [needs identification] 1927-02-24 aml126597.html
Amlot, W J [needs identification] 1927-02-24 aml126598.html
Backhaus, Mrs Wilhelm (née Alma Herzberg) 1927-10-27 bac13111.html
Backhaus, Mrs Wilhelm (née Alma Herzberg) 1927-10-27 bac13114.html
Backhaus, Wilhelm 1927-10-27 bac131125.html
Bacon, Christine 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Bacon, Christine 1927-08-16 had130085.html
Bacon, Mrs John Henry Friderick, née (?) 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Bacon, Winifred 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Bacon, Winifred 1927-08-16 had130085.html
Bailey, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-18 bai130116a.html
Bailey, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-18 bai130118.html
Bailey, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-18 bai130119.html
Bailey, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-18 bai130120.html
Baillie, Miss B [needs identification] 1927-06-17 bai23149a.html
Baker, Sir Henry [needs identification] 1927-10-28 bak131071.html [no form yet]
Baker, Sir Henry [needs identification] 1927-10-28 bak131073.html
Baring du Pre, Mrs William, née Beryl Angas 1927-10-27 ryd131056a.html
Baring du Pre, Mrs William, née Beryl Angas 1927-10-27 ryd131056.html
Baring du Pre, Mrs William, née Beryl Angas 1927-10-27 ryd131058.html
Baring du Pre, Mrs William, née Beryl Angas 1927-10-27 ryd131060.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131271a.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131271.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131272a.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131273a.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
Batho, Bessie (née Parker), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131275a.html
Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt 1927-11-09 bat131273.html
Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt 1927-11-09 bat131274.html
Batho, Charles Albert, 1st Bt 1927-11-09 bat131275.html
Battle, George Frederick 1927-06-23 pil23155a.html
Battle, George Frederick 1927-06-23 pil23155.html
Battle, George Frederick 1927-06-23 pil23156a.html
Battle, George Frederick 1927-06-23 pil23157.html
Battle, George Frederick, Mrs, née Edie Pilkington 1927-06-23 pil23154.html
Battle, George Frederick, Mrs, née Edie Pilkington 1927-06-23 pil23155a.html
Battle, George Frederick, Mrs, née Edie Pilkington 1927-06-23 pil23155.html
Battle, George Frederick, Mrs, née Edie Pilkington 1927-06-23 pil23156a.html
Battle, George Frederick, Mrs, née Edie Pilkington 1927-06-23 pil23157.html
Beard, Mr Bryce [needs identification] 1927-01-11 bea131128.html
Beard, Mr Bryce [needs identification] 1927-01-11 bea131128.htmlno form yet]
Bell, Miss Monica 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Bennett, Miss Honor 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Bentall, G A [needs identification] 1927-04-29 ben127701.html [no form yet]
Bentall, G A [needs identification] 1927-04-29 ben127705.html
Bird, L W [needs identification] 1927-11-24 bir10506.html [no form yet]
Bishop, Mrs F Leonard 1927-06-22 pik10086.html
Bishop, Mrs F Leonard 1927-06-22 pik10087.html
Black, Sir Robert Brown (possibly) 1927-05-02 bla127736.html
Blunt, Maud Julia (née Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons), Lady 1927-06-22 blu10091.html
Blunt, Maud Julia (née Goldsmid-Stern-Salomons), Lady 1927-06-22 blu10092.html
Buckley, Harry 1927-06-01 buc23115.html
Buckley, Harry, Mrs, née Lucy Egerton 1927-06-01 buc23115.html
Burns, Major John Alan 1927-10-11 bur131277.html
Burns, Major John Alan 1927-10-11 bur131278.html
Burns, Major John Alan 1927-10-11 bur131279.html
Burtenshaw, Miss L R [needs identification] 1927-04-30 bur127716.html [no form yet]
Burtenshaw, Miss L R [needs identification] 1927-04-30 bur127718.html [no form yet]
Burtenshaw, Miss L R [needs identification] 1927-04-30 bur127720.html [no form yet]
Bury, S [needs identification] 1927-06-15 bur23140a.html [no form yet]
Bury, S [needs identification] 1927-06-15 bur23140.html [no form yet]
Bushill, Mrs Robert Newsome, née Eva Smithie 1927-06-03 bus23129.html
Bushill, Robert Newsome 1927-06-03 bus23128b.html
Bushill, Robert Newsome 1927-06-03 bus23129.html
Bushill, Robert Newsome, Mrs, née Eva Smithie 1927-06-03 bus23127.html
Bushill, Robert Newsome, Mrs, née Eva Smithie 1927-06-03 bus23128b.html
Calthrop, Dion Clayton 1927-08-19 cal130126.html
Calthrop, Dion Clayton 1927-08-19 cal130128.html
Canning Eykyn, Hon Mrs W, née Kathleen Sarah Vestey 1927-06-22 ves10076.html
Canning Eykyn, Hon Mrs W, née Kathleen Sarah Vestey 1927-06-22 ves10077.html
Canning Eykyn, Hon Mrs W, née Kathleen Sarah Vestey 1927-06-22 ves10078.html
Canning Eykyn, Hon Mrs W, née Kathleen Sarah Vestey 1927-06-22 ves10079.html
Carver, W E 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Chadwick (baby) [needs identification] 1927-05-03 cha127746.html [no form yet]
Chadwick (baby) [needs identification] 1927-05-03 cha127749.html
Chadwick, Mrs G M [needs identification] 1927-05-03 cha127746a.html [no form yet]
Chadwick, Mrs G M [needs identification] 1927-05-03 cha127750.html [no form yet]
Charmley [child] 1927-05-27 cha23108.html [no form yet]
Clynes, Mrs John Robert 1927-08-16 cly130088.html
Clynes, Rt Hon John Robert 1927-08-16 cly130088.html
Clynes, William 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Collins, WH 1927-08-12 col130052.html
Collins, WH 1927-08-12 col130054.html
Collins, Mrs WH 1927-08-12 mon130056.html
Clynes, William 1927-08-16 had130085.html
Cooper, D [needs identification] 1927-06-03 coo23133a.html [no form yet]
Cooper, D [needs identification] 1927-06-03 coo23133c.html [no form yet]
Crampton, R A [needs identification] 1927-08-02 cra130136.html [no form yet]
Crampton, R A [needs identification] 1927-08-02 cra130137.html [no form yet]
Crampton, R A [needs identification] 1927-08-027 cra130139.html
Crampton, R A [needs identification] 1927-08-27 cra130138.html [no form yet]
Davenport, Annie Frances (née Smith), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Davenport, Annie Frances (née Smith), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
Davenport, Sir Henry Edward 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Davenport, Sir Henry Edward 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
De Salis, Mr and Mrs Mrs Rodolph Fane, née Edith Dorothea Poole Morgan (possibly) 1927-10-29 des131077.html
Diepl, Miss I [needs identification] 1927-24-02 die126591.html
Diepl, Miss I [needs identification] 1927-24-02 die126592.html
Drewry, Harry Kendall 1927-06-27 cow23143a.html
Drewry, Harry Kendall 1927-06-27 cow23143.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall 1927-06-27 cow23144a.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall 1927-06-27 cow23145.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall, née Maud Mary Cowen 1927-06- 27 cow23143a.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall, née Maud Mary Cowen 1927-06- 27 cow23143.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall, née Maud Mary Cowen 1927-06- 27 cow23144a.html
Drewry, Mrs Harry Kendall, née Maud Mary Cowen 1927-06- 27 cow23145.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-20 may9906.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-20 may9908.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-20 may9909.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-20 may9910.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-20 may9912.html
Ebbisham, Margaret Emma (née Reiner), Lady 1927-05-28 may9913.htmll
Eden, Thomas Watts 1927-10-27 ede131102.html
Eden, Thomas Watts 1927-10-27 ede131105.html
Ellis, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-06-25 ell23164b.html [no form yet]
Everitt, Mrs J P, née Gwendolen Levick 1927-10-26 eve131052.html
Everitt, Mrs J P, née Gwendolen Levick 1927-10-26 eve131053.html
Everitt, Mrs J P, née Gwendolen Levick 1927-10-26 eve131054.html
Evershed, Miss Pamela 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Eyre, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 eyr126586.html
Eyre, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 eyr126587.html
Eyre, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 eyr126588.html
Eyre, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 eyr126589.html
Fairclough, Percy [needs identification] 1927-24-02 fai126576.html
Faulkner J [needs identification] 1927-06-02 faul13120.tml
Fairclough, Percy [needs identification] 1927-24-02 fai126577.html
Featherstone, Mrs Stanley, née Marie Tanswell Bates 1927-10- 29 fea131078.html
Featherstone, Mrs Stanley, née Marie Tanswell Bates 1927-10- 29 fea131099.html
Featherstone, Stanley 1927-10-29 fea131099.html
Fitton, Colonel Guy William 1927-06-20 fit23152a.html
Fitton, Colonel Guy William 1927-06-20 fit23152.html
Fitzpatrick, Mr J F 1927-08-15 fit130063.html
Fleming, Sir (John) Ambrose 1927-05-03 fle127741.html
Fleming, Sir (John) Ambrose 1927-05-03 fle127745.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-03-15 for9686.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-03-15 for9687.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-03-15 for9688.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-03-15 for9689.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-04-25 for9841.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-04-25 for9842.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-04-25 for9843.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-04-25 for9844.html
Forbes-Robertson, Colonel James 1927-04-25 for9845.html
Garnett, H R [needs identification] 1927-08-09 gar130022.html [no form yet]
Garnett, H R [needs identification] 1927-08-09 gar130023.html
Gobbins, Patrick [needs identification] 1927-01-31 gob9541.html
Gobbins, Patrick [needs identification] 1927-01-31 gob9542.html [no form yet]
Green, Helen (née Stewart), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Green, Helen (née Stewart), Lady 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
Green, Sir Frederick Daniel 1927-11-09 bat131272.html
Green, Sir Frederick Daniel 1927-11-09 bat131274a.html
Gregory, Eileen 1927-06-18 gre10032.html
Gregory, Eileen 1927-06-18 gre10033.html
Gregory, Eileen 1927-06-18 gre10034.html
Gregory, Miss E 1927-06-18 gre10031.html
Grimshaw, J [needs identification] 1927-06-03 gri23126b.html
Grimshaw, J [needs identification] 1927-06-03 gri23126c.html[no form yet]
Grossi, Harold A [needs identification] 1927-08-10 gro130031.html[no form yet]
Grossi, Harold A [needs identification] 1927-08-10 gro130032.html
Haddock, George Marston 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Haddock, George Marston 1927-08-16 had130081.html
Haddock, George Marston 1927-08-16 had130083.html
Haddock, George Marston 1927-08-16 had130085.html
Haddock, Mrs Edgar, née Hilda Sykes 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Haddock, Mrs George Marston, née Joan Pauline Bacon 1927-08-16 had130081a.html
Haddock, Mrs George Marston, née Joan Pauline Bacon 1927-08-16 had130081.html
Haddock, Mrs George Marston, née Joan Pauline Bacon 1927-08-16 had130083.html
Haddock, Mrs George Marston, née Joan Pauline Bacon 1927-08-16 had130085.html
Halgouet, Miss (?) de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127706.html
Halgouet, Miss (?) de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127707a.html
Halgouet, Miss (?) de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127708b.html
Halgouet, Miss (?) de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127709.html
Halgouet, Miss (?) de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127710a.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127706b.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127706.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127707b.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127707.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127708a.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127708.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127709b.html
Halgouet, Viscountess de Poulpiquet du 1927-04-29 hal127709.html
Hamblen-Thomas, Charles 1927-02-24 ham126561.html
Hamblen-Thomas, Mrs Charles, née Eulalie Oliver 1927-02-24 ham126561.html
Hamblen-Thomas, Mrs Charles, née Eulalie Oliver 1927-02-24 ham126562.html
Hardy, T G [needs identification] 1927-08-27 har130142.html
Hardy, T G [needs identification] 1927-08-27 har130143a.html [no form yet]
Hardy, T G [needs identification] 1927-08-27 har130143.html [no form yet]
Hardy, T G [needs identification] 1927-08-27 har130144.html [no form yet]
Heap, E Clifford 1927-06-23 wal23158b.html
Heap, E Clifford 1927-06-23 wal23159a.html
Heap, E Clifford 1927-06-23 wal23160a.html
Heap, Mrs E Clifford, née Edith Mary Walker 1927-06- 23 wal23158b.html
Heap, Mrs E Clifford, née Edith Mary Walker 1927-06- 23 wal23159a.html
Heap, Mrs E Clifford, née Edith Mary Walker 1927-06- 23 wal23160a.html
Heys, Miss [needs identification] 1927-05-30 hey23109a.html
Heys, Miss [needs identification] 1927-05-30 hey23109.html [no form yet]
Hignett, J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131064.html
Hignett, J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131066.html
Hignett, J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Hignett, Mrs J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131064.html
Hignett, Mrs J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131066.html
Hignett, Mrs J Derrick 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Hignett, Mrs J Derrick, née Gwendolin Manners 1927-10-27 hig131070.html
Hollinrake, Mrs Thomas 1927-06-01 hop23122a.html
Hollinrake, Mrs Thomas 1927-06-02 duc23123.html
Hollinrake, Mrs Thomas 1927-06-02 duc23124a.html
Hollinrake, Mrs Thomas, née Kathleen Duckworth 1927-06-02 duc23121.html
Hollinrake, Thomas 1927-06-02 duc23122a.html
Hollinrake, Thomas 1927-06-02 duc23123.html
Hollinrake, Thomas 1927-06-02 duc23124a.html
Holmes, Mrs J A, née Eileen Frances Patricia Bulfin (possibly) 1927-08-18 bul130096.html
Holmes, Mrs J A, née Eileen Frances Patricia Bulfin (possibly) 1927-08-18 bul130098.html
Holmes, Mrs J A, née Eileen Frances Patricia Bulfin (possibly) 1927-08-18 bul130100.html
Hopton, Reverend Prebendary Michael 1927-06-01 hop23112a.html
Hopton, Reverend Prebendary Michael 1927-06-01 hop23112b.html [no form yet]
Hosey, Miss and Belfast doctors group [needs identification] 1927-06-30 hos3497.html
Howell, Mrs 1927-06-24 how23161a.html [no form yet]
Howell, Mrs 1927-06-24 how23161c.html [no form yet]
Howell, Mrs 1927-06-24 how23161.html [no form yet]
Hughes, C [needs identification] 1927-06-02 hug23125b.html [no form yet]
Hurst, Norman Brooke, Mrs, née Mary Jureidini 1927-06- 17 jur23148.html
Jenkins, H A [needs identification] 1927-06-07 jen23153b.html [no form yet]
Jenkins, H A [needs identification] 1927-06-07 jen23153c.html
Jones, Miss Florence Vestey 1927-05-05 jon9943.html
Jones, Miss Florence Vestey 1927-05-05 jon9942.html
Jureidini, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-06-17 jur23146.html
Klein, Arthur [needs identification] 1927-11-10 kle131301.html
Klein, Arthur [needs identification] 1927-11-10 kle131302.html
Klein, Arthur [needs identification] 1927-11-10 kle131303.html
Klein, Arthur [needs identification] 1927-11-10 kle131304.html
Klein, Arthur [needs identification] 1927-11-10 kle131305.html
Liverpool, Archdeacon Howson, Canon of 1927-06-25 den23166.html
Liverpool, Archdeacon Howson, Canon of 1927-06-25 den23167.html
Luttrell, Geoffrey Fownes 1927-05-30 lut9956.html
Luttrell, Geoffrey Fownes 1927-05-30 lut9958.html
Luttrell, Geoffrey Fownes 1927-05-30 lut9959.html
Malcolm, Mrs Maurice [needs identification] 1927-08-17 mal130102.html
Malcolm, Neil [needs identification] 1927-08-17 mal130108.html [no form yet]
Manners, Ernest John 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Marbe, G [needs identification] 1927-08-09 mar130005.html [no form yet]
Marsden-Smedley, Basil Futvoye 1927-08-10 mar130036.html
Marsden-Smedley, Basil Futvoye 1927-08-10 mar130038.html
Marsden-Smedley, Mrs Basil Futvoye 1927-08-10 mar130036.html
Marsden-Smedley, Mrs Basil Futvoye 1927-08-10 mar130038.html
Marsden-Smedley, Mrs Basil Futvoye 1927-08-10 mar130040.html
Martinez-Baca, Señor Don Alfredo 1927-04-30 mar127712.html
Martinez-Baca, Señor Don Alfredo 1927-04-30 mar127713.html [no form yet]
Martinez-Baca, Señor Don Alfredo 1927-04-30 mar127714.html [no form yet]
Martinez-Baca, Señor Don Alfredo 1927-04-30 mar127715.html [no form yet]
Matthews, H [needs identification] 1927-06-25 mat23163b.html
McLachlan, Major-General James Douglas 1927-10-26 mcl131042.html
Meysey-Thompson, Hon Violet 1910-10-27 tho6732.html
Mogg, Miss Mary [needs identification] 1927-08-16 mog130066.html
Mogg, Miss Mary [needs identification] 1927-08-16 mog130070.html [no form yet]
Mostyn Campbell, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-09 mos130011a.html
Mostyn Campbell, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-09 mos130013.html
Mostyn Campbell, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-09 mos130014.html [no form yet]
Mostyn Campbell, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-08-09 mos130015.html [no form yet]
Mowbray, Caroline Elwes (née Field), Lady 1927-08-17 mow130092.html
Mowbray, Caroline Elwes (née Field), Lady 1927-08-17 mow130095.html
Nathan, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-10-28 nat131086.html l
Nathan, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-10-28 nat131087.html [no form yet]
Nathan, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-10-28 nat131089.html l
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23102a.html
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23102b.html
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23102.html
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23103a.html
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23103.html
Palmer, William Robert 1927-05-26 smi23104.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23102a.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23102b.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23102.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23103a.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23103.html
Palmer, William Robert, Mrs, née Joan Audrey Smith 1927-05-26 smi23104.html
Pares, Rev Canon Norman 1927-08-23 par130146.html
Pares, Rev Canon Norman 1927-08-23 par130147.html
Pares, Rev Canon Norman 1927-08-23 par130149.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127731a.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127731.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127733a.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127734a.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127734.html
Parker, Captain and Mrs Vivian Steele 1927-04-30 par127735.html
Pears, Mrs (possibly) Richard A I, née Nancy Munro 1927-11-01 mun131297.html
Pears, Mrs (possibly) Richard A I, née Nancy Munro 1927-11-01 mun131299.html
Pears, Mrs (possibly) Richard A I, née Nancy Munro 1927-11-01 mun131300.html
Philpot, A D [needs identification] 1927-06-27 phi23168a.html [no form yet]
Philpot, A D [needs identification] 1927-06-27 phi23168b.html [no form yet]
Philpot, A D [needs identification] 1927-06-27 phi23168c.html[no form yet]
Philpot, A D [needs identification] 1927-06-27 phi23168.html
Philpot, A D [needs identification] 1927-06-27 phi23169a.html[no form yet]
Pigot [needs identification] 1927-06-14 pig23139.html [no form yet]
Pike, Mrs Joseph, née Frances Anne Critchley 1927-06- 22 pik10086.html
Pike, Mrs Joseph, née Frances Anne Critchley 1927-06- 22 pik10087.html
Poole, Frederick 1927-08-09 poo130028.html
Poole, Frederick 1927-08-09 poo130030.html
Poole, Group-Captain William H 1927-11-01 poo131293.html
Poole, Group-Captain William H 1927-11-01 poo131295.html
Poole, Group-Captain William H 1927-11-10 poo131291.html
Poole, Group-Captain William H 1927-11-10 poo131292.html
Poole, Group-Captain William H 1927-11-10 poo131294.html
Poole, Michelle 1927-08-09 poo130016.html
Poole, Michelle 1927-08-09 poo130017.html
Poole, Michelle 1927-08-09 poo130019.html
Pope, Jessie (Mrs Babington Lenton) 1927-10-26 pop131046.html
Potts, W H 1927-06-28 pot23170b.html [no form yet]
Potts, W H 1927-06-28 pot23170.html
Preston, Frank Sansome 1927-06-20 pre23150c.html
Preston, Frank Sansome 1927-06-20 pre23150d.html
Preston, Frank Sansome 1927-06-20 pre23150.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton - wedding reception of 1927-05-26 mcl23107.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton 1927-05-26 mcl23105a.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton 1927-05-26 mcl23105.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton 1927-05-26 mcl23106.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton, Mrs, née Rosemary Crofton McLaughlin 1927-05-26 mcl23105a.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton, Mrs, née Rosemary Crofton McLaughlin 1927-05-26 mcl23105.html
Price, Charles Wilfrid Hilton, Mrs, née Rosemary Crofton McLaughlin 1927-05-26 mcl23106.html
Raymond, Walter 1927-10-27 ray131106.html
Raymond, Walter 1927-10-27 ray131107.html
Raymond, Walter 1927-10-27 ray131108.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23134a.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23134.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23135.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23135a.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23135b.html
Reavy, T H [needs identification] 1927-06-07 rea23136.html
Rees Jones H 1927-06-09 ree23136.html
Ree, Walter [needs identification] 1927-10-27 ree131062.htmll
Ree, Walter [needs identification] 1927-10-27 ree131063.html [no form yet]
Ree, Walter [needs identification] 1927-10-27 ree131064.html [no form yet]
Richardson, Miss Diana 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Royds, Charles 1927-04-30 roy127726a.html [no form yet]
Royds, Mrs Charles, née Evelyn Theresa Christie 1927- 04-30 roy127726a.html
Royds, Mrs Charles, née Evelyn Theresa Christie 1927- 04-30 roy127726.html [no form yet]
Royds, Mrs Charles, née Evelyn Theresa Christie 1927- 04-30 roy127728.html [no form yet]
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady - or Margaret (Agnes) Blades [see 9177 - Hon Mrs Richard John Penfold Wyat] 1927-05-20 bla9918a.html
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1927- 05-20 may9912.html
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1927- 05-28 may9913.html
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1927- 11-09 bat131271.html
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1927- 11-09 bat131275a.html
Rutherford-Price, Captain P 1927-05-26 eva23101.html
Rutherford-Price, Mrs P, née Norah Evelyn Evanson-Jones 1927-05- 26 eva23101.html
Saca, J [needs identification] 1927-06-15 sac23141a.html [no form yet]
Saca, J [needs identification] 1927-06-15 sac23141.html [no form yet]
Saca, J [needs identification] 1927-06-15 sac23142.html
Sarson, Rev A W 1927-06-25 den23166.html
Sarson, Rev A W 1927-06-25 den23167.html
Scrope, Rosario 1927-05-25 scr9931.html
Scrope, Rosario 1927-05-25 scr9932.html
Sharpe, A C [needs identification] 1927-10-28 sha131081.html
Smith, Dr A B [needs identification] 1927-00-00 smi131120.html
Smith, Dr A B [needs identification] 1927-10-27 smi131116.html
Smith, Dr A B [needs identification] 1927-10-27 smi131117.html
Smith, Dr A B [needs identification] 1927-10-27 smi131118.html
Smith, Dr A B [needs identification] 1927-10-27 smi131119.html
Smith, Miss Winkie 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Smith, Rt Reverend Dr Martin Linton 1927-06-01 smi23113a.html
Smith, Rt Reverend Dr Martin Linton 1927-06-01 smi23113d.html
Smith, Rt Reverend Dr Martin Linton 1927-06-01 smi23113e.html
Smith, Rt Reverend Dr Martin Linton 1927-06-01 smi23113.html
Stephens, Miss A [needs identification] 1927-11-10 ste131287.html
Stephens, Miss A [needs identification] 1927-11-10 ste131290.html [no form yet]
Sthahmer, Dr Friedrich 1927-04-30 sth127721.html
Tearks, Frank C [needs identification] 1927-05-30 tea9951.html [no form yet]
Tearks, Frank C [needs identification] 1927-05-30 tea9953.html
Tearks, Frank C [needs identification] 1927-05-30 tea9955.html [no form yet]
Thompson, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 tho126581.html
Thompson, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 tho126582.html
Thomson, A A [needs identification] 1927-10-29 tho131092.html [no form yet]
Thomson, A A [needs identification] 1927-10-29 tho131093.html
Thomson, A A [needs identification] 1927-10-29 tho131095.html [no form yet]
Thornton, Miss Wendy 1927-10-27 hig131067.html
Todd, Miss [needs identification] 1927-06-03 tod23132a.html
Todd, Miss [needs identification] 1927-06-03 tod23132.html [no form yet]
Todd, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-06-03 tod23131a.html [no form yet]
Todd, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-06-03 tod23131b.html [no form yet]
Todd, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-06-03 tod23131.html
Twomey [needs identification] 1927-08-02 two8568a.html [no form yet]
Vestey, Miss Alice 1927-06-22 ves10081.html
Vestey, Miss Alice 1927-06-22 ves10082.html [no form yet]
Vestey, Miss Kathleen 1927-06-22 ves10077.html [no form yet]
Vincent, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-02-24 vin126566.html
Vincent, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-02-24 vin126567.html
Vincent, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-02-24 vin126571.html
Vincent, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-02-24 vin126572.html
Vincent, Mrs [needs identification] 1927-24-02 vin126573.html
Waller, Mrs Hardress William Lucius née Lydia Dorothy Muriel Pike 1927-06-22 pik10086.html
Waller, Mrs Hardress William Lucius née Lydia Dorothy Muriel Pike 1927-06-22 pik10087.html
Waterfield, Very Reverend Reginald 1927-06-01 wat23114b.html
Watson, Captain [needs identification] 1927-07-27 wat8804.html
Wedding Cake 1927-06-02 fau23120.html
Westmacott, Captain Rupert [needs identification] 1927-08- 16 wes130076.html
Westmacott, Captain Rupert [needs identification] 1927-08- 16 wes130077.html
Westmacott, Mrs Rupert [needs identification] 1927-08-16 wes130072.html
Whalley, Mrs Frederick S 1927-06-22 wha10071.html [no form yet]
Whalley, Mrs Frederick S 1927-06-22 wha10072.html
Whalley, Mrs Frederick S 1927-06-22 wha10073.html [no form yet]
Wheeler, Colonel E V [needs identification] 1927-06-01 whe23110a.html [no form yet]
Wheeler, Colonel E V [needs identification] 1927-06-01 whe23110b.html [no form yet]
Wheeler, Colonel E V [needs identification] 1927-06-01 whe23110c.html
Wheeler, Colonel E V [needs identification] 1927-06-01 whe23111.html
Wilson, Mrs Harold 1927-11-11wil131306.html
Wilson, Mrs Harold 1927-11-11wil131307.html
Wilson, Mrs Harold 1927-11-11wil131309.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox 1927-06-02 fau23117a.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox 1927-06-02 fau23118.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox 1927-06-02 fau23119.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox, Mrs, née Kathleen Violet Faulkner 1927-06-02 fau23116b.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox, Mrs, née Kathleen Violet Faulkner 1927-06-02 fau23117a.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox, Mrs, née Kathleen Violet Faulkner 1927-06-02 fau23118.html
Winterbottom, Frank Simcox, Mrs, née Kathleen Violet Faulkner 1927-06-02 fau23119.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9916a.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9916.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9917a.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9918.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9919.html
Wyatt, Hon Mrs Richard Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades (possibly) or Russell, Hon Lady, née (Helen) Elizabeth Blades 1927-05-20 bla9920.html
Wyat, Hon Mrs Richard John Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades - or (Helen) Elizabeth Blades [see 9918A - Hon Lady Russell] 1927-05-20 bla9917.html
Wyat, Mrs Richard John Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1927-05-20 may9912.html
Wyat, Mrs Richard John Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1927-05-28 may9913.htmll
Wyat, Mrs Richard John Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1927-11-09 bat131271.html
Wyat, Mrs Richard John Penfold, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1927-11-09 bat131275a.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan 1927-06-25 den23165.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan 1927-06-25 den23166.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan 1927-06-25 den23167.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan, Mrs (née Glendolen Dent) 1927-06-25 den23165.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan, Mrs (née Glendolen Dent) 1927-06-25 den23166.html
Wynn-Evans, Evan, Mrs (née Glendolen Dent) 1927-06-25 den23167.html

This site has been compiled by Russell Harris

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at