MARSDEN-SMEDLEY, MRS B.F. Sitters: (Bride-groom) Basil Futvoye Marsden-Smedley ( ); younger son of John Marsden-Smedley, of Lea Green, Matlock. (Bride) Mrs Basil Futvoye Marsden-Smedley, née Hester Harriot Pinney ( ); eldest daughter of Maj.-Gen. Sir Reginald Pinney, of Racedown, Dorset. Date: 10 August 1927. Occasion: The marriage, 10 August 1927, at St. John Baptist's Church, Broadwindsor. Location: - Descr: FL standing. Costume: - Costume Supplier: - Furniture & Props: - Evidence of photographer at work: - No of relative negatives: 3. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: - Occasion: The Daily Telegraph, 15 August 1927, p 1a. Costume: - Costume Supplier: - Reproduced: - |