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Index to Lafayette photographs 1925
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Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1925-04-27 abe3417.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1925-04-27 abe3417a.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1925-04-27 bar3418.html
Abercorn, James Albert Edward Hamilton, 3rd Duke of 1925-04-27 abe3419.html
Abercorn, James Edward Hamilton, 4th Duke of 1925-04-27 abe3417.html
Abercorn, James Edward Hamilton, 4th Duke of 1925-04-27 abe341a7.html
Abercorn, James Edward Hamilton, 4th Duke of 1925-04-27 bar3418.html
Abercorn, James Edward Hamilton, 4th Duke of 1925-04-27 bar3419.html
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1925-04-27 abe3417.html
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1925-04-27 abe3417a.html
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1925-04-27 bar3418.html
Abercorn, Rosalind Cecilia Caroline (née Bingham), Duchess of 1925-04-27 bar3419.html
Adams [woman] 1925-04-02 ada8531a.html [no form yet]
Adams [woman] 1925-04-02 ada8531.html [no form yet]
Ackroyd, Lady [undated] 1925 ack8681.html
Beaton, Sir Cecil Walter Hardy 1925-01-16 bea8521.html
Beaton, Sir Cecil Walter Hardy 1925-01-16 bea8522.html
Bennett, Mrs Percy, née Winifred May Youell 1925-08-04 ben8801.html
Bhopal, Nawab of 1925-00-00 bho8854.html
Beri, Miss Beth [needs identification] 1925-07-24 ber8781.html
Bingley, Colonel George Richard Lane-Fox, 1st Baron 1925-04-08 lan9376.html
Bingley, Colonel George Richard Lane-Fox, 1st Baron 1925-04-08 lan9377.html
Bingley, Colonel George Richard Lane-Fox, 1st Baron 1925-04-08 lan9378.html
Booth, William Bramwell 1925-00-00 boo9521.html
Booth, William Bramwell 1925-09-28 boo9522.html [no form yet]
Booth, William Bramwell 1925-09-28 boo9523.html [no form yet]
Booth, William Bramwell 1925-09-28 boo9525.html
Booth, William Bramwell 1925-09-28 boo9528.html [no form yet]
Bower, Alfred (Louis), 1st (& last) Bt 1925-05-21 lma8596a.html
Bower, Alfred (Louis), 1st (& last) Bt 1925-05-21 lma8597a.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8596a.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8596.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8597a.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8597.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8599.html
Bower, Dorcas Mona (née Blackett), Lady 1925-05-21 lma8600.html
Bower, Miss Mona Elizabeth Blackett 1925-05-21 bow8603.html
Bower, Miss Mona Elizabeth Blackett 1925-05-21 lma8596a.html
Bower, Miss Mona Elizabeth Blackett 1925-05-21 lma8597a.html
Caithness, Dr W 1925-03-10 cai8566.html
Caithness, Dr W 1925-03-10 cai8567.html
Caithness, Dr W 1925-03-10 cai8568.html
Caithness, Dr W 1925-03-10 cai8569.html
Clarkson, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-05-22 cla9416.html
Clarkson, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-05-22 cla9417.html
Clarkson, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-05-22 cla9418.html
Clarkson, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-05-22 cla9419.html
Cory, Elizabeth Cansh (née Walker), Lady 1925-05-22 cor9421.html
Cory, Elizabeth Cansh (née Walker), Lady 1925-05-22 cor9422.html
Cory, Elizabeth Cansh (née Walker), Lady 1925-05-22 cor9423.html
Cory, Elizabeth Cansh (née Walker), Lady 1925-05-22 cor9424.html
Cuervo-Marquez, Dr Vincente 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Cuervo-Marquez, Madame Emilia de 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Cuervo-Marquez, Mademoiselle Ines 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Cuervo-Marquez, Mademoiselle Leonor 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Cuervo-Marquez, Senor Dr Don Luis 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Duncan-Hughes, Mrs John, née Gertrude Rosalie Dean 1925-02-25 hug8562.html
Duncan-Hughes, Mrs John, née Gertrude Rosalie Dean 1925-02-25 hug8563a.html
Duncan-Hughes, Mrs John, née Gertrude Rosalie Dean 1925-02-25 hug8563.html
Duran, Madame [needs identification] 1925-12-16 dur8932.html
Duran, Madame [needs identification] 1925-12-16 dur8934.html
Fairhaven, Henry Rogers Broughton, 2nd Baron 1925-06-25 tho8741.html
Gough, Margaret Elizabeth (née Maryon-Wilson), Viscountess 1925-05-28 wil8661.html
Hamilton, Lord Claud David 1925-04-27 abe3417.html
Hamilton, Lord Claud David 1925-04-27 abe3417a.html
Henshaw, Rt Rev Thomas 1925-12-32 hen6001a.html
Henshaw, Rt Rev Thomas 1925-12-32 hen6001.html
Hirst, Captain Geoffrey Frederick 1925-06-25 hir8733.html
Hirst, Captain Geoffrey Frederick 1925-06-25 hir8734.html
Hudson, Captain 1925-04-21 ruc133414.html
Hunt, W [needs identification] 1925-04-30 hun5934.html [no form yet]
Kershaw, C D [needs identification] 1925-07-21 ker8772.html [no form yet]
Kershaw, C D [needs identification] 1925-07-21 ker8773.html
Kershaw, C D [needs identification] 1925-07-21 ker8775.html
Khan, Mr A [needs identification] 1925-12-11 kha9661.html
Khan, Risaldar Zardad 1925-04-25 kin8581.html
Khan, Risaldar Zardad 1925-04-25 kin8582.html
Lodge, Sir Oliver (Joseph) 1925-10-24 lod8893.html
Lodge, Sir Oliver (Joseph) 1925-10-24 lod8894.html
Maxwell, General Rt Hon Sir John Grenfell 1925-08-14 max8822.html
McBarnet, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-10-16 mcb8856.html
Merry, Captain Eion James Henry 1925-05-25 mer8656.html
Merry, Captain Eion James Henry 1925-05-25 mer8657.html
North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary 1925-05-25 nor5945a.html [no form yet]
North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary 1925-05-25 nor5945.html
Orleans, Prince Louis Philippe Robert, Duc d' 1925-06-05 orl8676.html
Orleans, Prince Louis Philippe Robert, Duc d' 1925-06-05 orl8677.html
Orleans, Prince Louis Philippe Robert, Duc d' 1925-06-05 orl8678.html
Orleans, Prince Louis Philippe Robert, Duc d' 1925-06-05 orl8679.html
Owen, Mrs T C 1925-06-29 owe8751.html
Owen, Mrs T C 1925-06-29 owe8752.html
Owen, Mrs T C 1925-06-29 owe8753.html
Penfold Wyat, Hon Mrs Richard John, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1925-11-09 lma9564.html
Penfold Wyat, Hon Mrs Richard John, née Margaret (Agnes) Blades 1925-11-09 lma9565.html
Perkins, Mrs Algernon, née Meriel Gundrede Leighton 1925-00-00 per9458.html
Perkins, Mrs Algernon, née Meriel Gundrede Leighton 1925-06-26 per9456.html
Perkins, Mrs Algernon, née Meriel Gundrede Leighton 1925-06-26 per9457.html
Perkins, Mrs Algernon, née Meriel Gundrede Leighton 1925-06-26 per9459.html
Perkins, Mrs Algernon, née Meriel Gundrede Leighton 1925-06-26 per9460.html
Perkins, Mrs George 1925-00-00 per9458.html
Perkins, Mrs George 1925-06-26 per9456.html
Perkins, Mrs George 1925-06-26 per9457.html
Perkins, Mrs George 1925-06-26 per9459.html
Perkins, Mrs George 1925-06-26 per9460.html
Pryke, Marguerite Harriott (née Stiles), Lady 1925-11-09 lma9563.html
Pryke, Marguerite Harriott (née Stiles), Lady 1925-11-09 lma9564.html
Pryke, Marguerite Harriott (née Stiles), Lady 1925-11-09 lma9565.html
Pryke, Marguerite Harriott (née Stiles), Lady 1925-11-09 lor9561.html
Pryke, William Robert, 1st Bt 1925-11-09 lma9565.html
Pryke, William Robert, 1st Bt 1925-11-09 lor9561.html
Pryke, William Robert, 1st Bt 1925-11-09 lor9566.html [no form yet]
Pryke, William Robert, 1st Bt 1925-11-09 lor9567.html
Puelma, Miss E [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8811a.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Miss E [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8811.html
Puelma, Miss E [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8812a.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Miss E [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8813a.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Miss E [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8813.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8816.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8818.html
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue8819.html
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue9486.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue9487.html [no form yet]
Puelma, Mrs [needs identification] 1925-08-10 pue9488.html [no form yet]
Ram MC, Hon Lieutenant Lakh 1925-04-25 kin8581.html
Ram MC, Hon Lieutenant Lakh 1925-04-25 kin8582.html
Ree, Dr Alfred 1925-00-00 ree6010.html
Rennie, Miss [needs identification] 1925-08-28 ren8831.html
Rideal, Miss Florence (Adeline ?) 1925-05-21 rid8607.html
Rideal, Miss Florence (Adeline ?) 1925-05-21 rid8608.html
Royal Caledonian Ball, Capt Stanley 1925-00-00 roy9431.html [no form yet]
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1925-11-09 lma9564.html
Russell, (Helen) Elizabeth (née Blades), Hon Lady 1925-11-09 lma9565.html
Royal Ulster Constabulary 1925-04-21 ruc133414.html
Scott, Sir Thomas Edwin 1925-07-04 sco8761.html
Singh, Hon Captain Chaga 1925-04-25 kin8581.html
Singh, Hon Captain Chaga 1925-04-25 kin8582.html
Solicitors Managing Clerks Association 1925-11-19 sol9556.html
Southborough, Francis John Stephens Hopwood, 1st Baron 1925-05-08 sou9396.html
Southborough, Francis John Stephens Hopwood, 1st Baron 1925-05-08 sou9397.html
Southborough, Francis John Stephens Hopwood, 1st Baron 1925-05-08 sou9398.html
Southborough, Francis John Stephens Hopwood, 1st Baron 1925-05-08 sou9399.html
Storey, Head Constable 1925-05-01 ruc3420.html
Thorne, Captain William Crockett 1925-06-25 tho8741.html
Thorne, Mrs William Crockett 1925-06-25 tho8741.html
Unidentified female sitter 1925-04-27 abe3417.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-06-26 ves8746.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-06-26 ves8747.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-06-26 ves8748.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-06-26 ves8749.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-08-17 ves8826.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-08-17 ves8827.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-08-17 ves8828.html
Vestey, Evelyne (née Brodstone), Lady 1925-08-17 ves8829.html
Walker, Brigadier General James Workman 1925-05-22 wal8641.html
Walker, Brigadier General James Workman 1925-05-22 wal8642.html
Walker, Brigadier General James Workman 1925-05-22 wal8643.html
Walmsley, Head Constable 1925-04-15 wal3413.html [no form yet]
Watson, Major Trevor Newall 1925-04-25 kin8581.html
Watson, Major Trevor Newall 1925-04-25 kin8582.html
Winter Gray [needs identificaton] 1925-05-13 gra9411.html
Winter Gray [needs identificaton] 1925-05-13 gra9412a.html
Winter Gray [needs identificaton] 1925-05-13 gra9412.html
Yepes, Dr Jesus Maria 1925-05-23 cue8647.html
Yepes, Madame Maria Antonia Cuervo de 1925-05-23 cue8647.html


This site has been compiled by Russell Harris

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at