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Index to Lafayette photographs of 1926 with hyperlink to relevant catalogue form
This symbol after a link indicates that the form contains a scanned image

Abertay, Charles Coupar Barrie, 1st Baron 1926-06-01 bro121256.html
Abertay, Charles Coupar Barrie, 1st Baron 1926-06-01 bro121256a.html
Abertay, Ethel (née Broom), Lady 1926-06-01 bro121256a.html
Abertay, Ethel (née Broom), Lady 1926-06-01 bro121256.html
Abertay, Ethel (née Broom), Lady 1926-06-01 bro121258.html
Acland, Brigadier Peter Bevil Edward 1926-07-30 acl122498.html
Acland, Brigadier Peter Bevil Edward 1926-06-30 acl122497.html
Acland, Brigadier Peter Bevil Edward 1926-06-30 acl122496.html
Acland, Brigadier Peter Bevil Edward 1926-06-30 acl122499.html
Adam, Frank Forbes, 1st Bt 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Adams, Lesley H [needs identification] 1926-08-10 ada123176.html
Adams, Lesley H [needs identification] 1926-08-10 ada123177.html
Adams, Mr W F [needs identification] 1926-08-19 ada123407.html
Adams, Mrs W F, née S Martin [needs identification] 1926-08-19 ada123409.html
Adams, Mrs W F, née S Martin [needs identification] 1926-08-19 ada123407.html
Adams, Mrs W F, née S Martin [needs identification] 1926-08-19 ada123406a.html
Addenbroke, Dr [needs identification] 1926-10-30 add22669c.html
Addenbroke, Dr [needs identification] 1926-10-30 add22669a.html
Ager, David [needs identification] 1926-08-19 age123442.html
Anderson, David Martin 1926-05-30 and121219.html
Anderson, David Martin 1926-05-30 and121217.html
Ashtown, Dudley Oliver Trench, 5th Baron 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Ashtown, Robert Power Trench, 4th Baron 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Ashtown, Robert Power Trench, 4th Baron 1926-10-22 tre22650.html
Ashtown, Robert Power Trench, 4th Baron 1926-10-22 tre22650a.html
Aspinall, Sir Algernon (Edward) 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Astley-Bell, Alderman H 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Atkins, J C 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Bailey, F [needs identification] 1926-10-29 bai22667a.html
Baker, Mrs Alan Bostock, née Beryl Rita Ross MacPherson 1926-08-20 mcp123411.html
Baker, Mrs Alan Bostock, née Beryl Rita Ross MacPherson 1926-08-20 mcp123413.html
Barlow, Ruth 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Barlow, Ruth 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Barton, Sir William 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Battine, Oswald James 1926-07-17 bat122585.html
Battine, Oswald James 1926-07-17 bat122582.htmll
Bean, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-11-09 bea22687b.html
Bean, P [needs identification[ 1926-11-09 bea22686e.html
Bedford, Lady 1926-07-08 bed122459.html
Bedford, Mary du Caurroy (née Tribe), Duchess of 1926-07-08 bed122458.html
Bedford, Mary du Caurroy (née Tribe), Duchess of 1926-07-08 bed122456.html
Bedford, Mary du Caurroy (née Tribe), Duchess of 1926-07-08 bed122457.html
Beecher, Major C [needs identification] 1926-08-19 bee123436.html
Bell, T [needs identification] 1926-11-05 bel22681b.html
Berrington, W [needs identification] 1926-10-19 ber22643.html
Birch, Susan (née Yorke), Lady 1926-06-03 bir121277.html
Birchenough, F W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Birtwistle, Colonel A 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Boothman, H 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Bourke, Myrtle 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Bourke, Myrtle 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Braddon, Bertha Mary (née Russell), Lady 1926-08-10 bra123151.html
Bradley-Williams, Colin 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Bradley-Williams, Colin 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Brooks, R 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Brown, David 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Brown, Robert 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Brown, W H, Jr [needs identification] 1926-08-21 bro123421a.html
Brown, W H, Jr [needs identification] 1926-08-21 bro123423a.html
Brown, W H, Jr [needs identification] 1926-08-21 bro123425.html
Brown, W H, Jr [needs identification] 1926-08-21 bro123421.html
Bryce Muir, A 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Buchan, Miss Alice 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Buchan, Miss Alice 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Cameron, Hugh [unidentified] 1926-10-02 cam8715.html
Caroline, HMS, Group of Officers 1926-08-24 car3468.html
Caroline, HMS, Mess President & General Group of Officers 1926-08-24 car3467.html
Carvalho, Miss 1926-05-31 car121232a.html
Carvalho, Miss 1926-05-31 car121235.html
Caulty, AB [needs identification] 1926-11-08 cau22685.html
Cawley, Frederick Cawley, 1st Baron 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Chance, Sir Frederick (William) 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Chase, J E [needs identification] 1926-08-10 cha123182.html
Christopherson, Mrs David Clifford née The Hon Griselda O'Brien 1926-07-07 inc9166.html
Clegg, R J 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Cockburn, Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald 1926-08-20 coc123448.html
Cockburn, Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald 1926-08-20 coc123446.html
Collins, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward 1926-05-31 col121212.html
Collins, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward 1926-05-31 col121211.html
Collins, Major-General Dennis Joseph 1926-08-11 col123160.html
Collins, Major-General Dennis Joseph 1926-08-11 col123157.html
Collins, Major-General Dennis Joseph 1926-08-11 col123158.html
Counsell [child] 1926-10-27 cou22661c.html
Counsell [child] 1926-10-27 cou22661d.html
Courtice, Colonel R C [needs identification] 1926-10-18 cou22641a.html
Cowgill, Miss [needs identification] 1926-11-30 cow22671.html
Cox, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-08-19 cox123402.html
Cox, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-08-19 cox123405.html
Coyle, James Vincent 1926-07-12 coy122477.html
Crinion, Jason 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Daresbury, Helena (Alberta Maria Gabriella) (née Fitzwilliam), Lady 1926-07-13 fit122514.html
Daresbury, Helena (Alberta Maria Gabriella) (née Fitzwilliam), Lady 1926-07-13 fit122511.html
Daresbury, Helena (Alberta Maria Gabriella) (née Fitzwilliam), Lady 1926-07-13 fit122515.html
Davidson, Daphne 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Davidson, Daphne 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Day, Reverend Alfred E Boxsome 1926-10-19 day22646b.html
Deane, Captain V M [needs identification] 1926-08-19 dea123427.html
Deane, Captain V M [needs identification] 1926-08-19 dea123426.html
Deane, Mrs V M [needs identification] 1926-08-19 dea123431.html
Deane, Mrs V M [needs identification] 1926-08-19 dea123432.html
Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Dewhurst, Captain G P 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Dick, Miss Abercomby [needs identification] 1926-08-09 dic123146.html
Dick, Miss Abercomby [needs identification] 1926-08-09 dic123148.html
Dick, Miss Abercomby [needs identification] 1926-08-09 dic123147.html
Dickenson, Colonel W C [needs identification] 1926-10-19 dic22645a.html
Dickenson, Colonel W C [needs identification] 1926-10-19 dic22645b.html
Dickenson, Colonel W C [needs identification] 1926-10-19 dic22645c.html
Douglas, A F S 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Douglas, A F S 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Dye, Charles [needs identification] 1926-07-13 dye122543.html
Eckhard, G 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
England, P R 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Faber, G V 1926-07-12 fab122493.html
Faber, G V 1926-07-12 fab122494.html
Faber, Mrs George V, née Kathleen Campbell 1926-07-12 cam122487.html
Faber, Mrs George V, née Kathleen Campbell 1926-07-12 cam122486.html
Faber, Mrs George V, née Kathleen Campbell 1926-07-12 cam122488.html
Fanshawe, Captain Richard G 1926-05-31 fan121208.html
Fanshawe, Captain Richard G 1926-05-31 fan121207.html
Fawtier, R [needs identification] 1926-10-19 faw22647b.html
Fielding, Mrs Basil P T H, née Margaret Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Fielding, Mrs Basil P T H, née Margaret Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Fisher, Derek 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Fleuriau, Aimé‚ Joseph de 1926-09-22 def9304.html
Folds, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-10-29 fol22666.html
Folds, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-10-29 fol22666b.html
Folds, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-10-29 fol22666d.html
Folds, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-10-29 fol22666f.html
Folds, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-10-29 fol22666a.html
Frazer, Dr A M [needs identification] 1926-07-13 fra122536.html
Garside, Darrell Godfrey 1926-08-12 gar123215.html
Garside, Mrs Darrell Godfrey, née Audrey Claire Tempest 1926-08-12 gar123215.html
Garside, Mrs Darrell Godfrey, née Audrey Claire Tempest 1926-08-12 gar9956.html
Garside, Mrs Darrell Godfrey, née Audrey Claire Tempest 1926-08-12 gar123211.html
Gerber, F [needs identification] 1926-05-18 ger6032.html
Gloag, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-11-03 glo22677c.html
Gloag, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-11-03 glo22677.html
Gloag, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-11-03 glo22677b.htm
Gordon-Brown, Mrs Guy 1926-07-08 gor122464.html
Gordon-Brown, Mrs Guy 1926-07-08 gor122463.html
Gordon-Brown, Mrs Guy 1926-07-08 gor122461.html
Gordon-Brown, Mrs Guy 1926-07-08 gor122462.html
Green-Wilkinson, Miss 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Grey, Miss Eileen 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Grey, Patrick 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Griffiths, Dr J C [needs identification] 1926-10-30 gri22671.html
Griffiths, Dr J C [needs identification] 1926-10-30 gri22671c.html
Halifax, Dorothy Evelyn Augusta (née Onslow), Countess of 1926-02-19 irw8973.html
Halifax, Dorothy Evelyn Augusta (née Onslow), Countess of 1926-02-19 irw8996.html
Halifax, Dorothy Evelyn Augusta (née Onslow), Countess of 1926-02-19 irw8971.html
Halifax, Dorothy Evelyn Augusta (née Onslow), Countess of 1926-02-19 irw9757.html
Hall, Nancie (née Walton Mellor), Lady 1926-06-10 hal9146.html
Hannay, C S 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Hardwicke, Philip Grantham Yorke, 9th Earl of 1926-02-23 yor8980.html
Hardwicke, Philip Grantham Yorke, 9th Earl of 1926-02-23 yor8977.html
Hardwicke, Philip Grantham Yorke, 9th Earl of 1926-02-23 yor8979.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123164.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123161.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123162a.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123162.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123163a.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123161a.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123164a.html
Harmar, Miss L [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123163.html
Harmar, T [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123166.html
Harmar, T [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123168.html
Harmar, T [needs identification] 1926-08-11 har123167.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9123.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9121.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9122.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9124.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9124a.html
Harren, Madame Henri Jurgen van [needs identification] 1926-06-17 har9125.html
Hawcroft, J 1926-10-30 haw22670.html
Haworth, George C 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Hay, A [needs identification] 1926-07-13 hay122518.html
Hay, A [needs identification] 1926-07-13 hay122517.html
Hayhurst, G 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Heaps, W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Henderson, Michael Thomas 1926-05-31 hen121201.html
Henderson, Michael Thomas 1926-05-31 hen121204.html
Henderson, Michael Thomas 1926-05-31 hen121202.html
Henderson, Michael Thomas 1926-05-31 hen121203.html
Heywood, A [needs identification] 1926-10-04 hey6061.html
Heywood, A [needs identification] 1926-10-04 hey6061a.html
Hibbert, Hugh Brownlow 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Hibbert, Hugh Brownlow 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Hibbert, Hugh Brownlow 1926-05-31 hib121239.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121238.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121239.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121237.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121236.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Hibbert, Mrs Hugh Brownlow, née Susan Louisa Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Hill, C A [needs identification] 1926-04-21 hil9044.html
Hill, C A [needs identification] 1926-04-26 hil00099.html
Himbury, Sir William Henry 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Hodgkinson, F 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Hodson, Sir Arnold Wienholt 1926-05-31 hod121196.html
Horne, Kate (née McCorquodale), Lady [probably] 1926-06-01 hor121243.html
Horne, Kate (née McCorquodale), Lady [probably] 1926-06-01 hor121244.html
Houghton, Mrs Alanson Bigelow, née Matilda L Wellington 1926-07-15 hou122531.html
Houghton, Mrs Alanson Bigelow, née Matilda L Wellington 1926-07-15 hou122534.html
Howarth, William 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Howey, Gloria 1926-11-10 how9351.html
Howey, Miss Gloria 1926-11-10 how9352.html
Hoyle, J S 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Hudson, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-08-13 hud123218.html
Hutton, J Arthur 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Inchiquin, Lady née Ethel Jane Foster 1926-07-07 inc9166.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9064.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9061a.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9063.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9062.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9061.html
Isherwood, Annie Mary (née Fleetham), Lady 1926-05-05 ish9062a.html
Ismay, George Bruce 1926-06-01 ism121253.html
Ismay, George Bruce 1926-06-01 ish121251a.html
Ismay, George Bruce 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Ismay, Miss Dell 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Ismay, Miss Evelyn 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Ismay, Mrs George Bruce, née Florence Edrington 1926-06-01 ism121252.html
Ismay, Mrs George Bruce, née Florence Edrington 1926-06-01 ism121251.html
Ismay, Mrs George Bruce, née Florence Edrington 1926-06-01 ism121253.html
Ismay, Mrs George Bruce, née Florence Edrington 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Jacks, Miss [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122579.html
Jacks, Miss [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122576.html
Jacks, Miss [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122577
Jacks, Miss [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122580.html
Jacks, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122572.html
Jacks, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122575.html
Jacks, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-07-17 jac122574.html
Jackson, Richard H 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Jacob, Field-Marshal Sir Claud (William) 1926-12-18 jac10081.html
Jacob, Field-Marshal Sir Claud (William) 1926-12-18 jac10082.html
Jebbs, Judge H L 1926-10-29 jeb22663.html
Joshua, Nell 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Joshua, Nell 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Judson, Edward 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Kedward [child] 1926-10-26 ked22660.html
Keen, Colonel Frederick Stewart 1926-07-12 kee122469.html
Keen, Colonel Frederick Stewart 1926-07-12 kee122467.html
Kinch, W S 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Kinch, W S 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
King, Sir Norman 1926-07-12 kin122473.html
Kishi, Iichi 1926-06-09 kis9086a.html
Kishi, Iichi 1926-06-09 kis9088a.html
Kishi, Iichi 1926-06-09 kis9086b.html
Kishi, Iichi 1926-06-09 kis9087.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9088a.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9087.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9090.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9087a.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9089.html
Kishi, Madame 1926-06-09 kis9089a.html
Knight, Major Eric Ayshford 1926-10-29 kni22668.html
Knight, Major Eric Ayshford 1926-10-29 kni22664a.html
Knight, Mrs Eric Ayshford, née Constance Ida Wilson 1926-10-29 kni22668.html
Knight, Mrs Eric Ayshford, née Constance Ida Wilson 1926-10-29 kni22665.html
Lane, Captain G [needs identification] 1926-08-09 lan123145.html
Lane, Captain G [needs identification] 1926-08-09 lan123142.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121273a.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121273.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121274.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121272a.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121271.html
Lazenby, Mrs Thomas William, née Georgina Mary Cecilia Murphy 1926-06-01 laz121275.html
Lazenby, Thomas William 1926-06-01 laz121274.html
Lazenby, Thomas William 1926-06-01 laz121273.html
Lazenby, Thomas William 1926-06-01 laz121271.html
Lazenby, Thomas William 1926-06-01 laz121275.html
Leonard, Misses [needs identification] 1926-03-24 leo9022a.html
Leonard, Misses [needs identification] 1926-03-24 lay9022b.html
Leonard, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-03-24 laz9022.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121192.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121193.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121194.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121191.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121193b.html
Leverhulme, William Hulme Lever, 2nd Viscount 1926-05-31 lev121195.html
Little, Miss Julia de [needs identification] 1926-07-07 del122453.html
Little, Miss Julia de [needs identification] 1926-07-07 del122451.html
Little, Miss Julia de [needs identification] 1926-07-07 del122452.html
Little, Miss Julia de [needs identification] 1926-07-07 del122454.html
Lomas Oliver, E 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Lyon, Lieutenant-Colonel and Hon Colonel Ralph Edward 1926-10-23 lyo22655b.html
Lyon, Mrs Ralph Edward, née Frances Madeline Grant 1926-10-23 lyo22656.html
Macara, Sir Charles Wright 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
MacDonald, G B [needs identification] 1926-10-19 mac22648b.html
Mathieson, Dr M [needs identification] 1926-11-05 mat22680a.html
Maybury, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-08-11 may123198.html
Melland, Miss [needs identification]- 1926-11-09 mel22688c.html
Melland, Miss [needs identification]- 1926-11-09 mel22688d.html
Melland, Miss [needs identification]- 1926-11-09 mel22688e.html
Melland, Miss [needs identification]- 1926-11-09 mel22688b.html
Melland, Miss [needs identification]- 1926-11-09 mel22688a.html
Mellor, R [needs identification] 1926-11-04 mel22678a.html
Mendel, Mrs William, née ? 1926-07-08 men9187.html
Messiter [2 children] 1926-10-29 mes22662a.html
Mitsui, Madame Tatakimi 1926-06-09 mit9855.html
Mitsui, Madame Tatakimi 1926-06-09 mit9853.html
Mitsui, Madame Tatakimi 1926-06-09 mit9852.html
Mitsui, Madame Tatakimi 1926-06-09 mit9851a.html
Mitsui, Madame Tatakimi 1926-06-09 mit9854.html
Mostyn, Mrs Antony Trevor, née Anita Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Mostyn, Mrs Antony Trevor, née Anita Mary Fielding 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Newton, C C 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Nuttall, J S 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
O' Shaughnessy, Reverend V [needs identification] 1926-10-23 osh22652.html
O'Brien, Mary Alice (née Grey), Lady 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
O'Brien, Mrs Edmond Robert Richard, previously Mrs Robert Power Trench (née Geraldine Ida Grey) 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
O'Brien, Mrs Edmond Robert Richard, previously Mrs Robert Power Trench (née Geraldine Ida Grey) 1926-10-22 tre22650a.html
O'Brien, Mrs Edmond Robert Richard, previously Mrs Robert Power Trench, née Geraldine Ida Grey 1926-10-22 tre22650.html
Ogden, J W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Ogden, J W 1926-11-05 ogd22682.html
Oldfield, E 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Orpen, J [needs identification] 1926-07-13 orp122507.html
Orpen, J [needs identification] 1926-07-13 orp122506.html
Paine, Miss Douglas 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Parker, J C 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Parkes, Herbert 1926-06-09 par9093.html
Parkes, Herbert 1926-06-09 par9094.html
Parkes, Herbert 1926-06-09 par9092.html
Parkes, Mrs Herbert 1926-06-09 par9091.html
Parkes, Mrs Herbert 1926-06-09 par9092.html
Parkes, Mrs Herbert 1926-06-09 par9093.html
Parkes, Mrs Herbert 1926-06-09 par9094a.html
Parkhill, Hon Sir (Robert) Archdale 1926-05-30 par121224.html
Paton, Alexander Allan 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Paxton, George Dickson, Mrs, née Irene May Rawlinson 1926-11-01 raw22673a.html
Paxton, George Dickson, Mrs, née Irene May Rawlinson 1926-11-01 raw22673.html
Paxton, George Dickson 1926-11-01 raw22674b.html
Paxton, George Dickson 1926-11-01 raw22673a.html
Paxton, George Dickson, Mrs, née Irene May Rawlinson 1926-11-01 raw22674b.html
Paxton, George Dickson 1926-11-01 raw22673.html
Pearl Necklace 1926-10-09 ben9966.html
Pelly, Captain John Noel 1926-07-08 pel9165.html
Pelly, Mrs John Noel, née Rosalind Gatehouse 1926-07-08 pel9163.html
Pelly, Mrs John Noel, née Rosalind Gatehouse 1926-07-08 pel9165.html
Pickering-Jones, J 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Pole-Gell, Miss Peggy 1926-06-01 ism121254.html
Porritt, E 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Primitive Methodist Conference [needs identification] 1926-06-14 pri6039.html
Ross, Sir Archibald 1925-10-02 ros8956.html
Rousseau, I J 1926-07-13 rou122521.html
Rousseau, I J 1926-07-13 rou122522.html
Rousseau, I J 1926-07-13 rou122524.html
Rousseau, I J 1926-07-13 rou122525.html
Rousseau, Mrs I J, née Karin May Ericsson 1926-07-13 rou122521.html
Rousseau, Mrs I J, née Karin May Ericsson 1926-07-13 rou122522.html
Rousseau, Mrs I J, née Karin May Ericsson 1926-07-13 rou122524.html
Rousseau, Mrs I J, née Karin May Ericsson 1926-07-13 rou122525.html
Rousseau, Mrs I J, née May Karin Ericsson 1926-07-13 rou122521a.html
Russell, J A [needs identification] 1926-08-12 rus123186.html
Russell, J A [needs identification] 1926-08-12 rus123188.html
Seddon-Brown, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Norman 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Shaw, T W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Shute, Colonel Sir John (Joseph) 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Siddals, Commander John 1926-08-11 sid123208.html
Simpson, J W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9097.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9100.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9096a.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9099.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9097a.html
Sleigh, Jessie (née Sime), Lady 1926-06-09 sle9098.html
Sleigh, Miss Jessie 1926-06-09 sle9104.html
Sleigh, Miss Jessie 1926-06-09 sle9103.html
Sleigh, Miss Jessie 1926-06-09 sle9105.html
Sleigh, Miss Jessie 1926-06-09 sle9096a.html
Sleigh, Miss Jessie 1926-06-09 sle9100.html
Slessor, Evelyn H P 1926-05-30 sle121228
Smythe, Wing-Commander Cyril Richard 1926-07-17 smy122588.html
Smythe, Wing-Commander Cyril Richard 1926-07-17 smy122586.html
Smythe, Wing-Commander Cyril Richard 1926-07-17 smy122589.html
Smythe, Wing-Commander Cyril Richard 1926-07-17 smy122590.html
Southwell, Mary Burnett (née Scarratt), Lady 1926-08-21 sou123416.html
Stanley, Edward Montague Cavendish Stanley, Lord 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Stephens, Dr [needs identification] 1926-10-23 ste22653.html
Stewart Brown, Miss C 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Tate, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-07-13 tat122530.html
Tate, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-07-13 tat122526.html
Tattersall, J B 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Taylor, F [needs identification] 1926-12-06 tay6082a.html
Taynton, William [possibly] television transmission image 1926-17-16 tel122567.html
Taynton, William [possibly] 1926-17-16 tel122568.html television transmission image
Taynton, William [possibly] 1926-17-16 tel122566.html television transmission image
Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Pamela (née Gladstone), Lady 1926-06-01 ten121268.html
Tennyson-d'Eyncourt, Sir (Eustace) Gervais, 2nd Bt 1926-06-01 ten121268.html
Thomas, Jason M 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Thomson, Anthony 1926-05-31 hib121240.html
Thomson, Anthony 1926-05-31 hib121236a.html
Thorpe, Jesse 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Tomasson, W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Trench, The Hon Grace 1926-10-22 tre22651.html
Tumilty, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-09-08 tum22684.html
Tumilty, Mrs [needs identification] 1926-09-08 tum22684b.html
Villiers-Stuart, Nesta 1926-07-12 vil122482.html
Villiers-Stuart, Nesta 1926-07-12 vil122481.html
Villiers-Stuart, Nesta 1926-07-12 vil122485.html
Villiers-Stuart, Nesta 1926-07-12 vil122481a.html
Walker, Alexander 1926-17-16 wal122561.html
Walker, Mrs Alexander, née Marion Armitrage 1926-17-16 wal122564.html
Walker, Mrs Alexander, née Marion Armitrage 1926-17-16 wal122561.htmll
Walker, Mrs Alexander, née Marion Armitrage 1926-17-16 wal122562.html
Walker, Mrs Alexander, née Marion Armitrage 1926-17-16 wal122565.html
Waterlow, Adelaide Hay (née Gordon), Lady 1926-06-10 wat9113.html
Waterlow, Adelaide Hay (née Gordon), Lady 1926-06-10 wat9114.html
Waterlow, William Alfred, 1st Bt 1926-06-10 wat9119.html
Waterlow, William Alfred, 1st Bt 1926-06-10 wat9116.html
Waterlow, William Alfred, 1st Bt 1926-06-10 wat9118.html
Waterlow, William Alfred, 1st Bt 1926-06-10 wat9117.html
Watson, Joss 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Watts, Ernest Francis [needs identification] 1926-08-10 wat123171.html
Watts, Ernest Francis [needs identification] 1926-08-10 wat123172.html
Whiteley, Herbert Huntington-, 1st Bt 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Whittaker, G H 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Wollaston, G [needs identification] 1926-11-01 wol22675.html
Wolstenholme, C M 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Wood, W 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9216.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9217.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9224.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9222.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9221.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9223.html
Woodcock, Miss Isla 1926-07-08 woo9218.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9217.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9219.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9217a.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9218.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9216.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9220.html
Woodcock, Mrs Hubert Bayley Drysdale, née Charlotte Simpson 1926-07-08 woo9216a.html
Woodhall, Miss [needs identification] 1926-06-01 woo121249.html
Woodhall, Miss [needs identification] 1926-06-01 woo121248.html
Woodhall, Miss [needs identification] 1926-06-01 woo121247.html
Woodhall, Miss [needs identification] 1926-06-01 woo121246.html
Worswick, R 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html
Wright, R T [needs identification] 1926-08-27 wri9283.html
Wright, R T [needs identification] 1926-08-27 wri9284.html
Wright, R T [needs identification] 1926-08-27 wri9282.html
Wright, R T [needs identification] 1926-08-27 wri9281.html

Zochonis, G B 1926-00-00 bri00052a.html


This site has been compiled by Russell Harris rvondeh@gmail.com.

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at rvondeh@gmail.com.
