Biog: (Lady Sleigh) Daughter of Charles Sime, merchant, of Edinburgh; m. (1895) Sir William Lowrie Sleigh, Kt. (cr. 1924), motor engineer, Lord provost of the City of Edinburgh (1923-26). Date: 9 June 1926. Occasion: The Court, 9 June 1926: Lady Sleigh was presented by Lady Gilmour, and herself presented her daughter, Miss Jessie Sleigh. Location: The Lafayette Studio, 160 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL standing. Costume: Court dresses. Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: - Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 9.
Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: - Occasion: The Times, 11 June 1926, p 19c. Costume: - Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: - Reproduced: (version, Miss J.Sleigh only) The Lady, 17 June 1926, |