Sitter: Thakor Saheb Sir Bhagwatsinghji Sagramji, Thakor of Gondal (1865-1944). ![]() Biog: Maharaja Thakore Shri Sir Bhagwant Singhji Sagramji Sahib Bahadur, Maharaja of Gondal, GCSI (1.2.1937), GCIE (21.6.1897). b. at Dhoraji, 24th October 1865, third son of H.H. Thakore Shri Sagramji II Bhanabhai Sahib, Thakore Sahib of Gondal, by his third wife, H.H. Thakurani Bai Shri Monghiba Sahiba, daughter of Jhala Shri Rartansinhji Sahib of Minapur. Educ Rajkumar Coll., Rajkot and Edinburgh Univ. (MD, LL.D, FRCP, FRS), DCL (Oxon.), MRI (GB), FCP&S (Bombay). Fellow of Bombay Univ. Succeeded on the death of his father, 14th December 1869 and reigned under a Council of Regency until he came of age and was invested with full ruling powers, 25th August 1884. Rcvd. Prince of Wales’s Medal (1875), KIH Medal (1877), Gold Durbar Medal (1903), Coronation Medal (and Durbar Bar 1911), Silver Jubilee Medal (1935), and Coronation Medal (1937). Married four wives at the same ceremony at Gondal, 3rd June 1881
Date: 10 July 1911. Occasion: Visit to England for the Coronation of King George V. Location: Lafayette studio, 179 New Bond Street, London. Descr: FL standing.
Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Photographer: Lafayette Ltd., 179 New Bond Street, London. Evidence of photographer at work: - Other images in this series:
Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images References: Biog: Who's Who; The Times, June 7, 1911, p 7a, b & c; The Times, 13 March 1944, p 6d; Who's Who In India, Lucknow, 1911. Occasion: India Office, Ref. L/P&S/7/247/430 (Minute Paper from Viceroy of India, dated 7 March 1911); The Times, 7 June 1911, p 7a. Costume: India Office, Ref. L/P&S/7/247/4582 (Minute Paper dated 11 November 1911 from Lieut-Colonel J.R. Dunlop Smith, Political A.D.C. to the Secretary of State for India). Robe-maker: Una Campbell, Robes of the Realm: 300 Years of Ceremonial Dress, London, 1989, p 78. Orders, Decorations & Medals: (GCIE) A.R. Litherland & B.T. Simpkin, Spinks Standard Catalogue of British and Associated Orders, Decorations & Medals, London, 1990, p 37; (Jubilee Medal) Howard N. Cole, Coronation and Royal Commemorative Medals 1887-1977, London, 1977, pp 5-7; (Delhi Darbar Medal) A.R. Litherland, op cit, p 150. Reproduced: - Acknowledgements: (Costume) Rosemary Crill, Indian Department, V&A; (Biography) Christopher Buyers 1. Sir Bhagvantsinghji was born in 1865. He succeeded to the gadi in 1869 and was entrusted with full powers in 1884. He studied at the University of Edinburgh, where he took the degrees of M.D. and L.L.D. During the 26 years of his Highness's enlightened and efficient rule the State has made remarkable progress. His Highness is a great advocate of social reform, and her Highness, the Thakor Saheba was the first Rajput lady to break through the purdah system and visit Europe with her husband. She is the authoress of a volume describing her travels. His Highness is both a scholar and an author, and his work on the History of Aryan Medical Science was most favourably received. The Thakor Saheb holds a Sanad of adoption and is entitled to a sulute of 11 guns. (The Times, June 7, 1911, p 7a, b & c.)
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