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Index to Lafayette photographs 1898
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Allingham, Mrs William, née Helen Paterson [possibly] 1898-00-00 all2152a.html
Allingham, Mrs William, née Helen Paterson [possibly] 1898-10-18 all2151.html
Allingham, Mrs William, née Helen Paterson [possibly] 1898-10-18 all2151a.html
Annesley, Mabel (Marguerite), Lady 1898-11-05 ann2164b.html
Bedford, Mary du Caurroy (née Tribe), Duchess of 1898-05-10 bed1693e.html
Belhaven and Stenton, Georgina (née Watson), Lady 1898-03-11 bel1647a.html
Brooke, Sarah, née Florence Marguerite Hannah 1898-00-00 bro1634b.html
Brooke, Sarah, née Florence Marguerite Hannah 1898-03-01 bro1633.html
Brooke, Sarah, née Florence Marguerite Hannah 1898-03-01 bro1633d.html
Brooke, Sarah, née Florence Marguerite Hannah 1898-03-01 bro1634.html
Brooke, Sarah, née Florence Marguerite Hannah 1898-03-01 bro1634d.html
Campbell, Madame Cecil 1898-02-17 cam1607.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2155a.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2156.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2156a.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2156b.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2157.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2157a.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2158.html
Carter, Ada 1898-10-21 car2158a.html
Cavendish, Moyra de Vere (née Beauclerk), Lady 1898-07-27 cav1795.html
Cavendish, Moyra de Vere (née Beauclerk), Lady 1898-07-27 cav1795b.html
Charlton, Hon Mrs Nicholas, née Helen Charlotte Scarlett 1898-03-03 CK cha1635.html
Churchill, Verena Maud (née Lowther), Viscountess 1898-07-21 chu1790a.html
Churchill, Verena Maud (née Lowther), Viscountess 1898-07-21 chu1791d.html
Clarke, Marguerite (née Leghorn), Lady 1898-06-09 cla1759.html
Clarke, Marguerite (née Leghorn), Lady 1898-06-09 cla1760.html
Cooke, Elise 1898-06-29 coo2126.html
Cooke, Elise 1898-06-29 coo2126a.html
Ely, Margaret Emma (née Clark), Marchioness of 1898-06-08 ely1756a.html
Geer (née de Montmorency), Baroness Adrienne de 1898-02-25 gee2059b.html
Geer (née de Montmorency), Baroness Adrienne de 1898-02-25 gee3059.html
Grosvenor, Helen (née Sheffield), Lady Arthur 1898-07-25 gro1792b.html
Grosvenor, Helen (née Sheffield), Lady Arthur 1898-07-25 gro1792c.html
Hanbury, Lily [ Mrs Herbert Guedalla] 1898-03-07 han1638.html
Hanbury, Lily [Mrs Herbert Guedalla] 1898-03-07 han1638e.html
Haugwitz, Baroness von [needs identification] 1898-03-11 hau1651.html
Haugwitz, Baroness von [needs identification] 1898-03-11 hau1651b.html
Hickman, Miss [needs identification] 1898-08-02 hic1797b.html
Irwin, Hon Colonel Thomas Angelo [possibly] 1898-02-25 irw1612a.html
Irwin, Mrs Thomas Angelo 1898-02-25 irw1619.html
Kennedy, Bertha Jane (née Ward), Lady 1898-03-11 ken1644.html
Kirby, Elizabeth 1898-10-18 kir2150.html
Langtry, Lillie, (née Emily Charlotte Le Breton: Lady de Bathe) 1898-12-07 lan1845a.html
Langtry, Lillie, (née Emily Charlotte Le Breton: Lady de Bathe) 1898-12-07 lan1846a.html
Laveson, Jemima (née Blackwood), Lady 1898-03-12 lev2068a.html
Laveson, Jemima (née Blackwood), Lady 1898-03-12 lev2069.html
Linden, Christine Marie Ludmilla Baroness von [possibly] 1898-05-12 lin1722.html
Linden, Christine Marie Ludmilla Baroness von [possibly] 1898-05-13 lin1722c.html
Ludlow, Blanche (née Holden), Lady 1898-5-17 lud1736a.html
MacDonnell, Henrietta (née MacDonell), Lady 1898-05-13 mac1707b.html
Orr-Ewing, Lady Margaret (née Innes-Kerr), Lady 1898-07-08 orr1770b.html
Pless, 'Daisy' (née Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallis-West), Princess Henry of 1898-09-02 ple1804.html
Roxburghe, Anne Emily (née Spencer Churchill), Duchess of 1898-07-18 rox1786.html
Roxburghe, Anne Emily (née Spencer Churchill), Duchess of 1898-07-18 rox1786a.html
Skeffington-Smyth, Hon Mrs Geoffrey, née Hon Miss Violet (Francis) Monkton 1898-02-28 mon1631a.html
Skeffington-Smyth, Hon Mrs Geoffrey, née Hon Miss Violet (Francis) Monkton 1898-02-28 mon1632a.html
Skeffington-Smyth, Hon Mrs Geoffrey, née Hon Miss Violet (Francis) Monkton 1898-02-28 mon1632b.html
Skeffington-Smyth, Hon Mrs Geoffrey, née Hon Miss Violet (Francis) Monkton 1898-02-28 mon1632c.html
Van Wart, Miss [needs identification] 1898-07-15 war1781e
Waller, Lewis: William Waller Lewis 1898-00-00 wal1750.html
Waring, (Susan Elizabeth) Clementine (née Hay), Lady 1898-05-10 war1691.html
Waring, Louisa Rosamund, Lady 1898-05-13 war1727.html
Waterlow, Miss Dulce 1898-03-11 wat1640.html
Waterlow, Miss Dulce 1898-03-11 wat1640a.html
Waterlow, Miss Dulce 1898-03-11 wat1641a.html

This site has been compiled by Russell Harris

For any comments/corrections please email the compiler at
