DUKE OF Biog: Major-General in the British Army; eldest son of Prince Alexander of Württemberg; m (1866) Princess Mary Adelaide of Great Britain; father of Queen Mary. Role: Capitaine, Garde du Roi 1660/1760. Date: 3 July 1897. Occasion: Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, W. Location: The Lafayette studio, 179 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL standing. Costume: "... white cloth tunic with revers of blue trimmed with silver. White waistcoat to correspond. Cloth breeches, high boots, and powdered peruke." (The Times, 3 July 1897, p 12b) Costume Supplier: - Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop; studio balustrade; studio column; studio Persian rug. Evidence of photographer at work: Left edge of backdrop visible to the right of the plate. No of poses: 2 [but see also neg nos 1494 & 1494B, taken later in the studio].
Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Hugh Montgomery Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol I, London, 1977, p 184; Who's Who; The Times, 23 January 1900, p 7d. (See also S.W. Jackman, The People's Princess: A Portrait of H.R.H. Princess Mary, Duchess of Teck, Shooters Lodge, 1984.) Occasion: Sophia Murphy, The Duchess of Devonshire's Ball, London, 1984. Role & Costume: The Daily Graphic, 3 July 1897, p 13 (line drawing); The Gentlewoman, 10 July 1897, p 50b & p 53 (line drawing); (of 1660) The Morning Post, 3 July 1897, p 7f; St. James's Gazette, 3 July 1897, p 9a; The Standard, 3 July 1897, p 4a; The Queen, 10 July 1897, p 76a; The Times, 3 July 1897, p 12b; (of 1760) The Daily Chronicle, 3 July 1897, p 7g. Costume Supplier: - Photographer: Copyright records, Public Record Office, Kew: Copy 1/431 3 August 1897 (1 pose registered). Photography: The Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1897, p 9f; Black & White, 10 July 1897, p 38b. Reproduced: (Version) Devonshire House Fancy Dress Ball, July 2 1897: A Collection of Portraits in Costume of Some of the Guests, privately printed, 1899, p 11, (National Portrait Gallery Archives).