Neg No: GP 8356 Neg. Size: 15"x12" Neg. Date: 17-4-1920 Sitter: Princess Helena Victoria (1870-1948) née Princess Victoria Louise Sophia Augusta Amelia Helena of Schleswig-Holstein.
Biog: Eldest daughter of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and Princess Helena of Great Britain and Ireland. Date: 17 April 1920. Occasion: - Location: Studio. Pose: TQL seated. Costume: - Accessories: - Furniture and Props: - No of poses: 3. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Dictionary of National Biography; Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol 1, London, 1977, p 279. Reproduced: (Version) The Gentlewoman 15 May 1920, p 737. |