Neg No: GP (D) 00416 Neg. Size: 15"x12" Neg. Date: None Biog: Consort of King George V. Date: August/September 1897. Occasion: Royal visit to Ireland, 18 August-9 September 1897. Location: Viceregal Lodge, Dublin. Descr: TQL, standing. Costume: - Jewellery: - Furniture and Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of Studio at Work: Top of sleeve altered by retouching [for altered versions, see neg nos (D)(00416A & 00416B). No of negatives: 4
Note: Other images from this series were used in a display album at the studio, indicating that copies could be ordered by the public.
Copyright: V&A All images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information on using or requesting copies of any images please contact the V&A Picture Library: including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.Biog: Dictionary of National Biography; Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol 1, p 185 & 309. Occasion: - Costume: - Jewellery: - Photog: The Irish Times, 24 August, 1897 p 11f; Copyright Records, Public Record Office, Kew, COPY 1/432, 6 October 1897, (3 poses registered). Reproduced : The Lady, 16 September 1897, frontispiece; (Version) Sarah Tytler, The Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, London, c. 1901, Vol III, opp. p 226; (Version)The Gentlewoman, 4 May 1907, supplement; (Version)Alison Gernsheim, Fashion and Reality, London, 1963, pl. 184; (Version) The Lady, 16 September 1897, frontispiece. |