Sitter: The Most Rev. Daniel Mannix (1864-1963). Biog: Prelate and political activist; President of Maynooth College, Ireland, 1903-1912; Archbishop of Melbourne (R.C.) 1917-1963. Date: 1920 [?] "In August the British government decided not to allow Mannix to disembark in his insurgent, Black-and-Tan-ridden homeland, and landed him at Penzance, Cornwall. 'The greatest victory the Royal Navy has had since Jutland', he quipped, 'without the loss of a single British sailor'." Occasion: Visit to Britain c 9 August 1920 - May 1921.(1) Location: - Descr: TQL seated. Costume: Roman Catholic, habitus pianus ('undress' for Roman Catholic prelates). Furniture & Props: - Photographer: - Evidence of photographer at work: Photograph of a painting which seems to be based on one of the images from the series 8531a, 8532, 8533 and 8535. The negative bears the extra wording "K. Fox" No of poses: 5. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images References: Biog: Who's Who; The Times, 7 November 1963, p 17a & 12 November 1963, p 15a. Occasion: The Times, 7 November 1963, p 17a. Costume: - Reproduced: - Acknowledgements: David Hebblethwaite, Secretary of the Church of England Liturgical Committee, Westminster Palace. 1. The decision of the British government to forbid Archbishop Mannix, 'Australia's chief spokesman for the Sinn Fein', to visit Ireland or the main centres of Irish population in England and Scotland (Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow) attracted considerable publicity in the weeks following his arrival. (See e.g. The Illustrated London News, 14 August 1920, p 241.) |