LADY Subject: Lady Fowler with her two daughters.
Sitters: (Left to right) Hon. Mrs. Ralph Alexander Campell, née Marjorie Theophilia Fowler (d. 1911); m (1906) Major the Hon Ralph Alexander Campbell, 3rd son of 3rd Earl Cawdor. Lady Fowler, née Alice Janet Clive Bayley ( ); daughter of Sir Edward Clive Bayley; m. (1876) Sir John Arthur Fowler, 2nd Bart., of Braemore. Mrs. C. Pelham Burn, née Mabel Elizabeth Fowler (d. 1912); m (1908) Capt C Pelham Burn Date: 29 May 1903. Occasion: The Court, 28 May 1903: Lady Fowler presented by Lady Bayley; Lady Fowler presented her daughters. Location: The Lafayette studio, 179 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL. Costume: Court dress.
Jewellery: (Lady Fowler) Diamond coronet. Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 2. Copyright: V&A All images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information on using or requesting copies of any images please contact the V&A Picture Library: including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.Biog: Burke's Peerage. Occasion: The Times, 30 May 1903, p 10a. Costume: The Queen, 6 June 1903, p 877a; The Times, 29 May 1903, p 9c. Jewellery: The Queen, 6 June 1903, p 877a. Reproduced: - |