- Neg No: GP 3638 A
- Neg. Size: 12"x15"
- Neg. Date: 12-11-1902

Subject: Royal Shooting Party.

click here to enlarge
- Sitters: (Front row, left to right):
(1) King George VI
(1895-1952), when Prince Albert of Wales;
(2) The Duke of Windsor (1894-1972), when Prince Edward of Wales.
- (2nd row, left to right):
(1) Georgina
Elizabeth, (Dowager) Countess of Dudley (d 1929);
(2) Elizabeth
Harriet, Marchioness of Ormonde (d 1928);
(3) Lady
Constance Butler (1879-1949);
(4) Theresa,
Marchioness of Londonderry (1856-1919);
(5) Maud,
Marchioness of Landsdowne (1850-1932);
(6) Eleanor,
Lady Musgrave, (d 1936), Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Victoria;
(7) Princess Victoria (1868-1935);
(8) Hon.
(Elizabeth) Charlotte Knollys (1835-1930), Woman of the Bedchamber
to Queen Alexandra;
(9) Queen
Maud of Norway (1869-1938), when Princess Charles of Denmark;
(10) Cecilia
Annetta, Baroness Suffield (d 1911), Lady of the Bedchamber to
Queen Alexandra;
(11) Edward
Hyde, 5th Earl of Clarendon (1846-1914), Lord Chamberlain 1900-1905.
- (3rd row, left to right);
(1) unidentified;
(2) James
Edward William Theobald Butler, 3rd Marquis of Ormonde (1844-1919);
- (3) unidentified;
(4) Henry
Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquis of Lansdowne (1845-1927), Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs 1900-1905;
(5) Francis
Knollys, 1st Viscount Knollys (1837-1924), Private Secretary to King
Edward VII;
(6) Sir
Donald Mackenzie-Wallace (1841-1919), expert on foreign & colonial
- (7) Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 6th Marquis
of Londonderry (1852-1915), Landowner and Politican (Postmaster-General
in 1902);
- (8) unidentified;
(9) HE
General von Plessen ( ) CK;
(10) Count
Paul Woolff Metternich ( ), German Ambassador;
(11) King
Haakon VII of Norway (1872-1957) when Prince Charles of Denmark;
(12) Sir
David Nairne Welch (1820-1912), when Captain Welch RN (retired), commanded
the Royal Yachts, Fairy and Alberta 1848-1878;
(13) King
Edward VII (1841-1910);
(14) Sir
Frank Lascelles (1841-1920) British Ambassador to Germany;
(15) King
George V (1865-1936) when Prince of Wales;
(16) Col.
Sir Arthur Davidson (1856-1922) Equerry-in-Waiting, Assistant
Keeper of the Privy Purse & Assistant Private Secretary to King
Edward VII;
(17) Kaiser
Wilhelm II of Germany (1859-1941);
(18) Victor
Albert Francis Charles Spencer, 1st Viscount Churchill (1864-1934),
Lord-in-Waiting to King Edward VII 1901-1905;
(19) General
Sir Dighton Probyn (1833-1924), Keeper of the Privy Purse & Extra
Equerry to King Edward VII;
(20) Admiral
Sir Henry Hervey Campbell (1865-1933) when Captain Campbell RN;
(21) Col.
Hon. Sir Harry Charles Legge (1852-1924) when Lt. Col. and temporary
equerry to the Kaiser;
(22) Chevalier
Edward de Martino (1838-1912), Marine Painter-in-Ordinary to Queen
(23) Henry
William Crighton, Viscount Crichton (1872-1914), Equerry to King George
V when Prince of Wales;
(24) Henry
Peter Hansell (1863-1935), when tutor to the children of King George
(25) Horace
Brand Farquhar, 1st Earl Farquhar (1844-1925) when Baron Farquhar
& Master of the Royal Household;
(26) Major
General Sir Stanley de Astel Calvert Clarke (1837-1911).
Date: 12 November 1902.
Location: Sandringham Estate, Norfolk.
Occasion: The Kaiser's visit to Sandringham, 8-15 November

Photographer: Lafayette Ltd., 179 New Bond Street, London.
No of poses: 1 [see also negs: 3638; 3665; 3665 A; 3675;
VII 1902
VII shooting party 1902
Wilhelm of Germany 1902
Copyright: V&A
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images
please contact the V&A Picture Library: vaimages@vam.ac.uk
including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood
Studios; acquired 1989.

Biog: Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal
Families of the World, Vol 1, London, 1977; Burke's Peerage; The
Complete Peerage; Dictionary of National Biography; Who's
Occasion: Sir Sidney Lee, King Edward VII,
Vol II, London, 1927; Philip Magnus, King Edward VII, London,
1964; The Times, especially 13 November 1902, p 8a.
Reproduced: Supplement to The Graphic, 22 November
1902, p ?

Candidates are:
(From The Times, 11 November 1902, RE 10 November
Bigge, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Arthur
Butler, Lady Constance
Churchill, Viscount
Clarendon, Earl of, Lord Chamberlain
Clarke, Major General Sir Stanley
Crichton, Captain Viscount
Davidson, Colonel A, Equerry-in-Waiting
Dudley, Dowager Countess of
Eulenberg, H.E. Count von
Farquhar, Lord, Master of the Household
Fullerton, Sir John
Ilberg, Dr.
Knollys, Hon. Charlotte
Knollys, Lord, Private Sec.
Lansdowne, Marquis of, Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs
Lansdowne, Marchioness of
Lascelles, Sir Frank, Ambassador to Berlin
Legge, Lt.-Col. the Hon HC, temporary equerry to the Kaiser
Londonderry, Marquis of
Londonderry, Marchioness of
Mackenzie-Wallace, Sir Donald
Musgrave, Hon Lady
Ormonde, Marquis of
Ormonde, Marchioness of
Plessen, H.E. General von
Probyn, Sir Dighton, Keeper of the Privy Purse
Suffield, Lady
Woolff Metternich, Count Paul, German Ambassador

Royal Shooting Party
(12 November 1902)
This photograph was taken at Sandringham during the visit of
Kaiser Wilhelm II.
"The guns were the King, the Kaiser, the Prince of Wales,
the German Ambassador, General von Plessen, Lord Clarendon, Lord Londonderry,
and Lord Ormonde..."