- Neg. No: 2805
- Neg. Size: 12"x15"
- Neg. Date: 3-9-1901

Subject: The
four sons of HH Sir Nripendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur, Maharaja of Cooch
Behar (1862-1911).[India]

Image published in:

(Left to right)

Maharaja Shri Sir Jitendra Narayan Bhup Bahadur, Maharaja of Cooch-Behar,
KCSI (1.1.1917). b. in London, 20th December 1886, educ. Eton and
with Imperial Cadet Corps, Dehra Dun. Attended the Coronation of H.M.
The King Emperor Edward VII in 1902 (rcvd Medal) and H.M. The King
Emperor George V in 1911 (rcvd. Medal). Attended the Delhi Durbars
1903 (rcvd. medal) and 1911 (rcvd. bar to Coron. medal). Succeeded
his brother, 1st September 1913. Proclaimed at Cooch-Behar, 16th September
1913 and installed on the gadi, 17th November 1913. X at London, 25th
August 1913, H.H. Maharani Indira Devi (b. at Laxmi Vilas Palace,
Baroda, 19th February 1892; d. at Bombay, 12th September 1968), Regent
of Cooch-Behar and President of the State Council 20th December 1922
to 6th April 1936, the only surviving daughter of H.H. Farzand-i-Khas-i-Daulat-i-Inglishia,
Shrimant Maharaja Sir Sayaji Rao III Gaekwad, Sena Khas Khel Shamsher
Bahadur, Maharaja of Baroda, GCSI, GCIE, by his second wife, H.H.
Maharani Shrimant Akhand Soubhagyavati Gajra Bai Sahiba, CI. He d.
at Cooch-Behar, 20th December 1922, having had issue two sons and
three daughters.

Maharaj Kumar Shri Victor Nitendra Narayan. b. 21st May
1887, educ. Mayo Coll., Ajmer, Eton, and with ICC, Dehra Dun. Attended
the Delhi Durbar 1911 as a member of the Bodyguard to HM King Emperor
George V (rcvd. Silver Medal). MLC Cooch-Behar 1911-29; MSC in charge
of H.H.’s Household 1913-19, MSC in charge of the Education, Press,
Agriculture and Industry departments 1919-29; Cdt Cooch-Behar State
Forces and Military Sec to H.H. 1914-19. Rcvd. Silver Jubilee Medal
(1935) and Coronation Medal (1937). X at Calcutta, 1916, Maharaj Kumari
Niropoma Devi, daughter of M.L. Gupta, Barr-at-Law, of Calcutta. He
d. in a motor accident at Osterley, Surrey, 31st October
1937, having had issue two sons

Maharaja Shri Raj Rajeshwar Narayan Bhup Bahadur, Maharaja of Cooch-Behar.
b. at Woodlands, Alipur, Calcutta, 11th April 1882, educ.
Mayo Coll., Ajmer; Eton, Berks., Oxford Univ. and with Imperial Cadet
Corps, Dehra Dun. Hon. Lieut. 2nd City of London Imperial
Yeomanry (Westminster Dragoons), 4/6/1902. Attended the Coronation
of H.M. The King Emperor Edward VII in 1902 (rcvd. medal), Delhi Durbar
1903 (rcvd. Silver medal), and the Coronation of H.M. The King Emperor
George V in 1911 (rcvd. medal). Succeeded on the death of his father,
18th September 1911. Proclaimed at Cooch-Behar, 2nd
October 1911 and installed on the gadi, 8th November 1911.
He d.s.p. unm. at Cromer, Norfolk, 1st September 1913 and
was succeeded by his younger brother.

Maharaj Kumar Shri Hitendra Narayan. b. at Darjeeling, 1st
July 1890, educ. Eton and with ICC, Dehra Dun. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut
IA, 15/10/1914 served in the Great War as Staff Officer to the GOC
IEF in France 1914-16 (MID for distinguished service at Neuve Chapelle,
1915 Star, British War and Victory Medals and Indian recruiting badge).
Cdt. Cooch-Behar State Forces and Military Sec to H.H. 1919-20; MSC
in charge of H.H.’s Household and an MLC, 1919-20. He d. suddenly
at Colinton, Darjeeling, 7th November 1920. |
Biographical information provided by Christopher
J Buyers , The Royal Ark http://www.dreamwater.net/regiment/ RoyalArk/royalark.htm
3 September 1901.
The Lafayette Studio, 179 New Bond Street, London.
& Props: Painted backdrop.

Lafayette Ltd., 179 New Bond Street, London.
of photographer at work: -
Other images
in this series:
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images
please contact the V&A Picture Library: vaimages@vam.ac.uk
including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.

(1) Who's Who; The World, "Celebrities
at Home", No. 1579, 30 September 1908; Pauline Rohatgi, Portraits
in the India Office Library and Records, London, 1893, p 277; Sunity
Devee, Maharani of Cooch Behar, The Autobiography of an Indian Princess,
London, 1921; John Lord, The Maharajahs, London, 1972, p 149;
Gayatri Devi and Santha Rama Rau, A Princess Remembers: The Memoirs
of the Maharani of Jaipur, London, 1984; Maharajah of Baroda, The
Palaces of India, London, 1980. (2) The World,
ibid; Sunity Devee, op cit; Gayatri Devi and Santha
Rama Rau, op cit; Maharajah of Baroda, op cit. (3)
Who's Who In India, Lucknow, 1911, part VII, pp 1-3; The
World, ibid; The Times, 28 November 1911, p 11a; Sunity
Devee, op cit; Gayatri Devi and Santha Rama Rau, op cit;
(4) The World, ibid; Sunity Devee,
op cit; Gayatri Devi and Santha Rama Rau, op cit; Maharajah
of Baroda, op cit.

information provided by Christopher J Buyers
, The Royal Ark http://www.dreamwater.net/regiment/RoyalArk/royalark.htm
