- Neg. No: (GP) 6492C
- Neg. Size: 15"x12"
- Neg. Date: 06-12-1909

![Princess Bariatinsky [stage name: Lydia Yavorska], later Lady Pollock née Lydia Hubbenet (d.1921) and unidentified lady.](dream/6492c.jpg)
Sitter: Princess Bariatinsky [stage name:
Lydia Yavorska], later Lady Pollock née Lydia Hubbenet (d.1921) and unidentified
Biog: Actress and Manageress
Lidia Borisovna
von Hübbenet was born at Kiev (Russia) 23 July 1869 and died Brighton
(Sussex, England) 3 September 1921, daughter of Boris Iakovlevich
von Hübbenet [1828-1898, a son of Jakob Anton von Hübbenet and Auguste
von Fässing] and Louisa Khristianovna Roterman. She married 26 July
1896 Prince Vladimir Vladimirovich Bariatinsky, born St. Petersburg
20 December 1874, died Neuilly-sur-Seine (France) 7 March 1941, son
of Prince Vladimir Anatolievich Bariatinsky and Countess Nadezhda
Aleksandrovna Stenbock-Fermor. As she was an actress, Prince Bariatinsky
was obliged to leave his regiment and she was never received by her
husband's family. They divorced in 1916 and he remarried another actress,
Olga Alekseevna Berestovskaia, widow of Vladimir Nikolaevich Arsen'ev.
Lidia Borisovna remarried 6 March 1920 Sir Frederick John Pollock
of Hatton, 4th Baronet. |
information provided by Timothy F. Boettger (tfboettger@dircon.co.uk) |
Date: 6 December 1909.
Occasion: The English Debut, the Afternoon Theatre,
London, November-December 1909.(1)
Location: -
Descr: FL standing.
Costume: -
Costume Supplier: -
Jewellery: -
Furniture & Props: -

Photographer: -
Evidence of photographer at work: -
No of poses: 2.
![Princess Bariatinsky [stage name: Lydia Yavorska], later Lady Pollock née Lydia Hubbenet (d.1921) and unidentified lady.](dream/6492c_small.jpg)
Copyright: V&A
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images
please contact the V&A Picture Library: vaimages@vam.ac.uk
including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood
Studios; acquired 1989.

Biog: Burke's Peerage; The Times,
5 September 1921, p 8b.
Occasion: The Planet, 13 November 1909, p 22
& 11 December 1909, p 21.
Costume: -
Costume Supplier: -
Jewellery: -
Reproduced: -

Acknowledgements: -

1. The plays given were: "La Dame aux Camelias",
"Hedda Gabler" and "Ivan the Terrible".