Subject: The Wedding of Miss Evelyn Smijth-Windham to Major Francis Hooper Rawlins. ![]() Sitters (left to right) standing:
Date: 29 April 1903. Location: The Empress Club, Dover Street, London (where the wedding reception was held) or the Lafayette Studio, 179, New Bond Street, London. (See additional information) Descr: FL Costume: (bride) wedding dress of ivory satin mousseline with yoke and sleeves of chiffon and old lace; (adult bridesmaids) cream voile and lace dresses with 'sun-ray' pleated skirts and capes of Mechlin lace, tulle veils with wreaths of apple blossom; (train-bearers) white Charles I costumes. Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: (bride) 'Diamond pendant' (gift of bridegroom). Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop; Photographer: Lafayette Ltd., 179 New Bond Street, London. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images References: Biog: (Mrs Bertie Chapman, née Wynn) Burke's Landed Gentry (see Chapman, formerly of Crooksbury); Burke's Peerage (see Newborough, Baron). (Major Francis Hooper Rawlins) Burke's Landed Gentry (see Rawlins of Stoke Courcy); Cosmo W. H. Rawlins, Family Quartette, privately printed, 1962. (Sir Walter George Windham) Burke's Peerage (see Bowyer-Smijth Bt.); The Times, 7 July 1942, p 6. (See also Walter Windham, Waves, Wheels and Wings, London?, 1942 CK REF). (Major Edward Brinsley Rawlins) Burke's Landed Gentry; Cosmo W. H. Rawlins, op. cit. (Claude Seymour Windham) Burke's Peerage. (Lady Thompson, née Hamilton-Grace) Burke's Peerage. (Ashe Wadham George Windham) Burke's Peerage; (Mrs Francis Hooper Rawlins, née Smijth-Windham) Burke's Peerage. (Mrs Alex Barnes, née Rawlins) Burke's Landed Gentry; Cosmo W. H. Rawlins, op. cit. (Henry Steuart Windham) Burke's Peerage. Occasion: The Gentlewoman, 16 May 1903 p 682c; The Lady's Pictorial, 23 May 1903, p 1165a Costume: The Gentlewoman, ibid; The Lady's Pictorial, ibid. Costume Supplier: - Reproduced: - Additional Information: "...after the ceremony the bridal party went off to be photo'ed, only five minutes Lafayette said, but it was nearer fifty before they returned, and meanwhile the guests all looked at the presents and enjoyed the cakes." Letter from Rosie Eastwood to Clara Windham, quoted in Cosmo W.H. Rawlins, Family Quartette, privately printed, 1962, pp. 174-5. Acknowledgements: (Research) Julia Craig-Harvey. (Biog.) Mrs Cosmo Rawlins; Lady Windham, William Windham. |