- Neg. No: (L) 3453B
- Neg. Size: 12"x15"
- Neg. Date: NONE

Sitters (left to right):

Fitawrari(1) Abba
Tabor (c.1845-c.1916/7), General and principal guardian of
Ras M�konnen's son, T�fari (later Emperor Haile Sellasie I).

(2) Unidentified.

(3) Sir John
Lane Harrington (1865-1927), British
Consul, Addis Ababa 1902, later Minister Plentipotentiary at
Court of Emperor Menilek II.

(4) Memhir G�br�
Egzi'abeher (c.1835-c.1905), Chief Priest of Harar district
and Father Confessor to Ras M�konnen.

(5) Ras
M�konnen (W�ld�-Mika'�l) (?? ???? ???????) (2)
(1852-1906), Ethiopian General & Governor of Harar, cr.
Ras 1890; father of Emperor Haile Sellasie I.

(6) Fitawrari(3)
Hayl� Sellasse Abayn�h, Ethiopian
General, and guardian of Ras M�konnen's son, T�fari (later Emperor
Haile Sellasie I).

(7) Colonel
Bernard Ramsden James (1864-1938), Soldier, Intelligence
Officer, later Military Attach� in Washington.(4)

(8) K�ntiba
G�bru D�sta (1855-1950), Mayor of Gondar; Emperor Menilek
II's special envoy to the Khalifa at Omdurman and confidant;
moderniser, first signatory to 1931 Constitution.
c. August 1902.
Visit to England for the Coronation of King Edward VII, 12 August 1902.
The Lafayette Studio, 179 New Bond Street, London.
5, 6 & 8) Civilian attire - silk cloak over white
cotton costume; closely fitting jodphur-like white cotton trousers.
(4) White turban;
long black silk cape, embroidered either side of collar with
Cross of Solomon; closely fitting jodphur-like white cotton
Costume Supplier:
Ras M�konnen's cloak and shirt probably made by Serouphi Ebeyan, dress-maker
to the Ethiopian Court.
Furniture &
Props: Painted backdrops.

Lafayette Ltd., 179 New Bond Street, London.
Evidence of photographer
at work: -
No of related negatives:
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images
please contact the V&A Picture Library: vaimages@vam.ac.uk
including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.

Public Record Office, Kew, PRO FO 1/206; E. Ullendorff, The
Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie I, 'My Life and Ethiopia's
Progress', Oxford, 1976, pp 26 & 29.
(3) The
Foreign Office List for 1921, London, 1921; Who's Who,
The Times, 9 September 1927, p 13c.
(4) PRO ibid.
(5) Hugh Montgomery
Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol II,
London, 1980, p 52b; Who's Who; August B. Wylde,
Modern Abyssinia, London, 1900, passim; Felix
Rosen, Eine deutsche Gesandschaft in Abessinien, Leipzig,
1907, passim. E.A. Wallis Budge, The History of
Ethiopia, London, 1928, Vol II pp 537-8; S.P. Petrides,
Le h�ros d'Adoua, Ras Makonnen, Prince d'Ethiopie,
Paris, 1965; Richard D. Greenfield, Ethiopia: A New Political
History, London, 1965, pp 147-8; Hayla Giyorgis Belete,
Z�nahu Le-Leul Ras Makonnen, Addis Ababa, 1972-3; The
Encylop�dia Africana Dictionary of African Biography, Vol
II, New York, 1976, pp 101-2.
(6) Ullendorff,
op cit, p 26. (7) Who's Who;
The Journal of the Orders and Medals Research Society,
Volume 18, Summer 1979, No. 2(163), article "B.R. James
and His Foreign Honours."
(8) The
Encyclop�dia African Dictionary of African Biography, Vol
II, pp 70-71; PRO, ibid.
(Visit to England) The World, Coronation Supplement, 2 July 1902,
p 5a; The Times, 4 July 1902, p 3f; John Edward Coutenay
Bodley, The Coronation of Edward the Seventh: A Chapter of European
and Imperial History, London, 1903, p 354; "The Visit of
Ras Makonnen to Europe in 1902 and the 'Spy' Cartoon of him", Ethiopia
Observer, XIV, 1971, pp 295-7; Public Record Office, Kew, Ref. FO
1, 36-40. (Award of K.C.M.G.) The Times, August 11 1902, p 6b;
Sir Lionel Cust, King Edward VII and His Court, London, 1930,
p 156. (Award of Coronation Medal) The Times, August 18
1902, p 8a. See also button labelled "background" above.
(for literature on similar examples): (Trousers) Augustus,
B. Wylde, Modern Abyssinia, London, 1900, p 248.

Professor Richard Pankhurst, Addis Ababa University; Mika'�l Hayl� Sellas�,
Addis Ababa; Dr. John Mack, Museum of Mankind, London; (Research) Russell
Harris, Barbara Borkowy, Jane Meadows.

1. Later
promoted to D�jazmatch, see also note 2.
2. Ras
= "title conferred on governors of provinces"; Fitawrari
= "General"; D�jazmatch = "Keeper of the King's
Door" or "Count" (Burke's Royal Families of the World,
Vol II, London, 1980, p 45).
3. Later
promoted to D�jazmatch.
4. Colonel
James was awarded the Order of the Star of Ethiopia by Ras Makonnen during
his visit to England (source: The Journal of the Orders and Medals
Research Society, Volume 18, Summer 1979, No. 2(163), article "B.R.
James and His Foreign Honours.")