Neg. No: (GP) 5477 Neg. Size: 15"x12" Neg. Date: 19-09-1907
Subject: Col. and Mrs Harry McMicking, wedding portrait.
Sitter: (Bride-groom) Col. Harry McMicking (1867-1944); C.B. 1922; D.S.O. 1902. (Bride) Mrs Harry McMicking, née Gertrude de Stacpoole; only daughter of 4th Duc de Stacpool; m. (1907) Col. Harry McMicking. Date: 19 September 1907. Occasion: The marriage at the Oratory, Brompton, 16 September 1907. Location: [Probably 24, Cadogan Square, house of the Duchesse de Stacpool and place of the wedding reception]. Descr: FL. Costume: Wedding dress:
Costume Supplier: - Furniture & Props: - Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Marquis of Ruvigny, The Titled Nobility of Europe, London, 1914; Who's Who. Occasion: The Court Journal, 21 September 1907, p 1425a. Costume: The Court Journal, 21 September 1907, p 1425a. Costume Supplier: - Reproduced: - |