MAYOR, LORD Biog: (E.C. Moore) Chartered accountant; Bt. (cr 1923); Sheriff of the City of London (1914-15); Lord Mayor of London (1922-23); (Mrs. E.C. Moore) Daughter of James Harveson, of Stamford Hill; m. 1stly (1893), as his 2nd wife, Sir Edward Cecil Moore, 1st Bt., Lord Mayor of London (1922-23); m. 2ndly (1936) George P. Warren. Date: 10 November 1922. Occasion: Lord Mayor's Show, 9 November 1922. Location: The Mansion House, London. Descr: FL standing. Costume: (E.C. Moore) The Black Robe of State, trimmed with gold, over the Old Style of Velvet Court Dress; (Mrs. E.C. Moore) Court dress. Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: (E.C. Moore) The Chain and Jewel of Office. Furniture & Props: -
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Biog: (E.C. Moore) Burke's Peerage; Who's Who; (Mrs. E.C. Moore) Burke's Peerage. Occasion: The Times, 9 November 1922, p 9b-c & 10 November 1922, p 7b. Costume: (E.C. Moore) Herbert A.P. Trendell (ed.), Dress and Insignia Worn at His Majesty's Court, London, 1921. Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: (E.C. Moore) Herbert A.P. Trendell (ed.), Dress and Insignia Worn at His Majesty's Court, London, 1921. Reproduced: -