Neg. No: 5353 Neg. Size: 15"X12" Neg. Date: 8-6-1907
Subject: Studio wedding portrait. Sitters: (left to right) (Page & younger brother of the bride) Francis Collingwood Drake (1897-1976), Colonel in the British Army 1945, High Sheriff of Essex 1952. (Bride) Mrs Reginald Seaburne May (1885-1931), née Marguerite Geraldine Ramsey ("Daisy") Drake. (Bridegroom) Brevet-Major, later General Sir Reginald Seaburne May (1879-1958), Quarter-Master-General to the Forces 1935-1939, Colonel of the Royal Fusiliers 1941-1949, 1st Chairman of Toc-H. Date: Wedding: 20 December 1906. Date on negative: 8 June 1907. Location: The Lafayette Studio, 179 New Bond Street, London. Descr: FL standing. Costume: (Francis Collingwood Drake) 'costume after the style worn by Sir Francis Drake at the time of the Armada'. (Groom) uniform of an officer in the Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment. Costume Supplier: (Bride) Mr Hockley of Conduit Street, London. Jewellery: (Bride): Pearl necklace (gift of her mother); diamond & pearl brooch, diamond & ruby pendant (gifts of the bridegroom). Orders, Decorations & Medals: (Groom) Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 with 5 clasps; King's South Africa Medal 1901-1902 with 2 clasps. Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: - Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: (Francis Collingwood Drake) Burke's Landed Gentry (see Drake of Inschriach); The Times, 9 November 1976, p 19f; (Mrs Reginald Seaburne May, née Drake) Burke's Landed Gentry (see Drake of Inschriach); Death Certificate (1 February 1931); The Times, 6 February 1931 p 17d & 7 February 1931, p 15d. (General Reginald Seaburne May) Who's Who; Sir O' Moore Creagh and E.M. Humphris, The Distinguished Service Order 1886-1923, London, 1978, p 304a; The Times, 28 October 1958, p 19d. Occasion: The Hemel Hempstead Gazette, 22 December 1906, p 8; The West Herts and Watford Observer 22 December 1906, p 5e; The Court Journal, 5 January 1907, p 28; The Gentlewoman (?) January 1907, p (?); Lady's Pictorial 5 January 1907, p 24. Costume: (Bride & Page) The Hemel Hempstead Gazette, 22 December 1906, p 8; The West Herts and Watford Observer 22 December 1906, p 5e. Costume Supplier: - Jewellery: The Hemel Hempstead Gazette, 22 December 1906, p 8. Orders, Decorations & Medals: A.R. Litherland & B.T. Simpkin, Spinks Standard Catalogue of British and Associated Orders, Decorations & Medals, London, 1990, pp 112-114. Reproduced: - |