QUEEN), 18TH HUSSARS Date: 28 October 1919. Occasion: Farewell inspection before 18th (Queen Mary's Own Royal) Hussars posted to India. Location: Hounslow Barracks. Descr: FL. Costume: - Jewellery: (Queen Mary) Regimental brooch (worn on hat) in the design of the 18th Hussars' cap badge, with diamonds set on silver and gold.(1) No of related negatives: 4 (see also neg. nos. 8111, 8112 & 8246). Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: (Queen Mary) Dictionary of National Biography; Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol 1, pp 185 & 309. (Major Bayford) Who's Who; Sir O'Moore Creagh and E. M. Humphris, The Distinguished Service Order 1886-1923, London 1978, p 303. Occasion & location: The Times 29 October 1919 p 13d & 15b; Army and Navy Gazette, 1 November 1919 p 708. Costume: - Jewellery: - Photog: - Reproduced: - 1. Brooch presented to Queen Mary (when Victoria Mary, Princess of Wales), in 1903, after the announcement by King Edward VII, that the 18th Hussars, following their distinguished service throughout the Boer War, should be known as 18th (Victoria Mary's Princess of Wales's Own) Hussars. The brooch was handed back to the Regiment on the death of Queen Mary and is now worn by a senior officer's wife on special occasions. The item was usually worn as a brooch and not as a cap badge. (Captain G.E. Locker). |