Lady Sitter: Sir Wilfred Lawson, 2nd Bart (1829-1906), Lady Lawson and family members (see below for image details).
Biog: Liberal MP and temperance advocate.
Date: 1906. Occasion: - Location: Possibly 10 Ovington Square, SW. Descr: FL group Costume: - Furniture & Props: - Photographer: - Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Dictionary of National Biography; Burke's Peerage; Who's Who; The Times, 2 July 1906, 6c. (See also G.H. Dyer, Sir Wilfred Lawson: his life, his humour, and his mission, London 1877; W.B. Luke, Sir Wilfred Lawson, London 1900; G.W.E. Russell (ed), Sir Wilfred Lawson. A Memoir, London 1909.) Occasion: - Costume: - Reproduced: - |