MISS Sitter: Miss Helena Violet Alice Keith Fraser, later Countess of Stradbroke (d. 1949).
Biog: D.B.E. cr. 1927; only daughter of Lt.-Gen. James Keith Fraser; m (1898) 3rd Earl of Stradbroke, Governor of Victoria. Role: Delilah/an African Queen. Date: 2nd July 1897. Occasion: The Devonshire House Ball, 2 July 1897. Location: Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, W. Descr: FL seated Costume: "...a beautifully embroidered robe of mauve crepe de Chine embroidered in Oriental colours, a gold sash encrusted with jewels, and scarlet drapery falling from the shoulders at the back; her headdress was of silver, with wings at the side." (The Queen, 10 July 1897, p 73c). Costume Supplier: Mrs Mason, 4 New Burlington Street, London W. Jewellery: -(1) Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop with 'baronial fireplace'; Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 2 [see also neg no 1358]. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Burke's Peerage (see Fraser, Bt. & Stradbroke); A. Winton Thorpe, ed., Handbook to The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, (facsimile edition), London, 1988. Role: (African Queen) The Court Circular, 10 July 1897, p 625a; The Court Journal, 10 July 1897, p 1247c; The Gentlewoman, 10 July 1897, p 56b; The Queen, 10 July 1897, p 73c; The Sketch, 14 July 1897, p 488; (Delilah) Vanity Fair, 8 July 1897, p 27a; Devonshire House Fancy Dress Ball, July 2 1897: A Collection of Portraits in Costume of Some of the Guests, privately printed, 1899, p 125, (National Portrait Gallery Archives). Occasion: Sophia Murphy, The Duchess of Devonshire's Ball, London, 1984; (listed as part of Oriental Procession) The Morning Post, 3 July 1897, p 7e; The Times, 3 July 1897, p 12a. Costume: The Court Circular, 10 July 1897, p 625a; The Court Journal, 10 July 1897, p 1247c; The Gentlewoman, 10 July 1897, p 56b; The Queen, 10 July 1897, p 73c. Costume Supplier: Vanity Fair, 8 July 1897, p 18b. Jewellery: - Photographer: The Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1897, p 9f; Black & White, 10 July 1897, p 38b. Reproduced: (Version) The Sketch, 14 July 1897, p 488; (Version) Devonshire House Fancy Dress Ball, July 2 1897: A Collection of Portraits in Costume of Some of the Guests, privately printed, 1899, p 125, (National Portrait Gallery Archives). 1. "Real jewellery borrowed from her aunt" (Vanity Fair, 8 July 1897, p 27a.) |