ADMIRAL SIR J. Sitter: Rt. Hon. Sir John Charles Dalrymple Hay (1821-1912).
Biog: Entered Royal Navy, 1834; Rear Admiral, 1866; Lord of the Admiralty 1866-68; Vice Admiral, 1872; Admiral, 1878; M.P Wakefield, 1862-65; Stamford, 1866-80; Wigtown Burghs, 1880-85. Date: 3 March 1906. Occasion: - Location: - Descr: TQL seated. Costume: Full Dress uniform, Admiral, Royal Navy. Orders, Decorations & Medals:
Furniture & Props: - Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Who's Who; The Navy List, 1906; The Times, 30 January 1912, p 9d. Occasion: - Costume: - Orders, Decorations & Medals: (Order of the Bath) Burke's Peerage; (Order of Medjidjie) R. Werlich, Orders and Decorations of All Nations, Washington, 1990; (Others) E.C. Joslin, A.R. Litherland & B.T. Simpkin, British Battles & Medals, London, 1988. Reproduced: - |