SIR HORACE Biog: Banker and courtier. Role: Dutch noble or burgher. Date: 7 July 1897. Occasion: The Devonshire House Ball, 2 July 1897. Location: The Lafayette studio, 179 New Bond Street, London, W. Descr: FL standing. Costume: "...jerkin of light brown cloth, applique with dark brown velvet, a band round the waist ornamented with gold; breeches same colour as jerkin; hose, silk cafe au lait; cloak of brown cloth, large and heavy, carried on right arm; Rembrandt ruff and cuffs; hat, large broad-brimmed beaver." (The Gentlewoman, 10 July 1897, p 58a). Costume Supplier: - Accessories: - Furnishings & props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of studio at work: Hand of assistant holding backdrop visible to right of plate; base of clamp visible behind sitter. No of poses: 1 (but see also neg no 1523). Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Burke's Peerage; Who's Who; The Times, 31 August 1923, p 10d & photograph p 12. (See also Kenneth Rose, Kings, Queens and Courtiers, London, 1985.) Occasion: Sophia Murphy, The Duchess of Devonshire's Ball, London, 1984. Role & Costume: (Dutch burgher) (Dutch burgher) The Daily News, 3 July 1897, p 5g; (Burgher of Amsterdam after Rembrandt) The Daily Telegraph, 3 July 1897, p 10a; (a Rembrandt) Truth, 8 July 1897, p 108b; (Dutch gentleman after Rubens) The Gentlewoman, 10 July 1897, pp 52 [sketch] & 58a; (Count Egmont) Devonshire House Fancy Dress Ball, July 2 1897: A Collection of Portraits in Costume of Some of the Guests, privately printed, 1899, p 41, (National Portrait Gallery Archives). Costume Supplier: - Accessories: - Reproduced: Devonshire House Fancy Dress Ball, July 2 1897: A Collection of Portraits in Costume of Some of the Guests, privately printed, 1899, p 41, (National Portrait Gallery Archives).