BARON Biog: Captain, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys); Lord Lieutenant of Kent and Custos Rotulorum, 1944-72; H.M's Lieutenant for City and County of Canterbury; one of H.M's Lieutenants for City of London; local administrator and agriculturist. Date: 13 June 1912. Occasion: The King's Levée, 13 June 1912; presented by Lieutenant-Colonel C.B Bulkeley Johnson. Location: The Lafayette Studio, 179 New Bond Street, London. Descr: FL standing. Costume: Full Dress uniform, 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys). Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop; stool; drapery. Evidence of photographer at work: Head clamp visible. No of poses: 2. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Burke's Peerage; Who's Who; The Army List, 1912; The Times, 7 January 1982, p 8f. Occasion: The Times, 14 June 1912, p 11f. Costume: Dress Regulations for the Army, London, 1911. Reproduced: - |