Neg No: GP 4173 Neg. Size: 12"x10" Neg. Date: 18-12-1907
Sitter: Princess Louise Margaret, Duchess of Connaught (1860-1917), née Princess Luise Margarete (Alexandra Victoria Agnes) of Prussia.
Biog: 4th daughter of Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia; m. (1879) Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn.
Image published in Daisy of Pless: The Happy Years
Date: 18 December 1907. Occasion: - Location: - Descr: Almost full length, standing, against backdrop. Costume: - Accessories: - Evidence of Studio at Work: Outline of dress, fan and tassel heavily retouched. Copyright: V&A All images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information on using or requesting copies of any images please contact the V&A Picture Library: including the URL of the relevant page Provenance: Pinewood Studios; acquired 1989.No of poses: 2 Biog: Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd ed., Burke's Royal Families of the World, Vol. 1, pp 139 & 307; Sir George Aston, H.R.H The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, London, 1929. |