Sitter: Enid Spencer Brunton (c. 1874-1963).
Biog: Enid Brunton was the daughter of Spencer Brunton. She married Richard Frederick Lacon Lambart, son of Major Frederick Richard Henry Lambart and Catherine Adeline Maxwell Gill, in 1899. She and Richard Frederick Lacon Lambart were divorced in 1909. She died on 21 February 1963, aged 89. Her married name became Lambart. The Times, 4 March 1963A correspondent Enid Spencer Brunton (Mrs. Enid Lambart), who died at her home in Locarno, Switzerland, on February 21 at the age of 81, was one of the last remaining links with the nineties. Well-known as a beauty - picture post-cards of her were sold in hundreds - she made her first theatrical appearance in Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband She played the part of Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan and acted in many of Lewis Waller’s productions; also for some years at Wyndham’s Theatre with Sir Charles Wyndham and Mary Moore. Possessing wit in addition to beauty, she counted among her friends Aubrey Beardsley, Sir James Barrie, Max Beerbohm, Charles Brookfield, Oscar Wilde, and many other notable personalities of her day. She recently gave to the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge her album containing personal tributes from five Nobel prize winners. Threatened with blindness, of late years she had lived a retired life at Locarno, but continued to take a keen interest in the theatre, literature, and music, and was delighted by the inclusion of some of her letters in the recent publication of Oscar Wilde’s Letters. [For visual identification: The Lady: A Journal for Gentlewomen. Miss Enid Spencer Bruton. 14 November 1901 Date:14 September 1897. Occasion: - Location: - Descr: HL. Costume: - Jewellery: - Furniture & Props: - Photographer: - Evidence of photographer at work: Reflector screen to right of plate. No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
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