Sir Squire
Sitter: Sir Squire Bancroft, né Butterfield (1841-1926). |
Biog: Actor-manager; Kt. (cr. 1897). Date: 19 February 1901. Occasion: - Location: The Lafayette studio, 179 New Bond Street, London. Descr: 3/4 L standing. Costume: - Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Furniture & Props: Painted backdrop. Evidence of photographer at work: - No of poses: 1. Copyright: V&A All
images on this site are copyright V&A. For further information
on using or requesting copies of any images Biog: Dictionary of National Biography; Who's Who; P. Hartnoll (ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Theatre, 4th ed. Oxford 1983, pp 53-4; Occasion: - Costume: - Costume Designer: - Costume Supplier: - Reproduced: - |